Monday 29 June 2015

Science Homework & reminders

Welcome back to a new Term!

CA2 Practice Paper Set 1 
Complete Q28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 39 only
This is due Wednesday, 1 July

Spelling Re-test on Thursday (2 July)
The re-test is for the whole class. I will be showing the picture of a flower and you will need to be able to label all the parts of the flower using the spelling words that you've learnt.
Do remember to study the meaning of the words.

Bring back your Empty Green File
A reminder to bring back your green file. Keep all your Term 2 worksheets at home for revision.

Saturday 27 June 2015

Welcome back ....

Some things to bring:

  1. Your report books. Make sure that it is signed by your parents.
  2. Thermometer. Ensure that it is in working condition. There will be a temperature taking exercise soon.
  3. Your 2 book reviews.
See y'all on Monday. 

Friday 5 June 2015


Dear 5B,

For those who still face some difficulties in finding the height/base of a triangle,
try out this activity:

June Holidays!

Dear 5B,

Hope you have enjoyed your holidays so far.

Here's a gentle reminder on your homework:
- 15 questions in Learnlogy
- Strategy 7 and 10 in Heuristics Package

And if you have some free time, try out the puzzles/games in this website:

Happy Holidays!

ICT Lesson on Decimals

Dear 5B,

As promised, please find the ppt. slides here:

And the google document on 5B Shopping List here: