Being responsible Earth citizens ...

Hi poppers,

We had a very informative assembly programme today, centering on the theme of responsibility towards out Mother Earth. Watch this video.
Taking a step forward, answer this question:
What are you going to do about it?
Leave your comments below.


  1. In my opinion, I think we can take more public transport to reduce air pollution, switch off lights when we do not need them, use less air-conditioners and recycle as much as possible.

  2. My suggestion is that we need to recycle more often, replace light bulbs with 60-watt incandescent light bulb to compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs, use less heat and air conditioners, use lesser hot water when you are bathing, plant more trees, and turn off the lights when you are not using it.

  3. I think we can off the light when not in use. We can also try not to use the air con too often

  4. I think we can off the light when not in use. We can also try not to use the air con too often


  5. Turn off all electrical appliances when not in use.

  6. We should drive cars which uses batteries instead of fuel.

  7. In my opinion, we should take more public transport and drive less car.

  8. I agree with Xu Ming

  9. But it is also like turning on the light non—stop

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Switch off the lights when not in use. We can also reduce, reuse and recycle more often.
