Monday 31 August 2015

Parent's Endorsement

Get your parents to sign the English CA2 paper and return it to me tomorrow.

Friday 28 August 2015

The One and Only Ivan (TOAOI)

Please complete the tasks and questions in pages 2 to 5 of the TOAOI booklet by Monday, 31st August.

Thursday 27 August 2015


7: "Laughter Session" is due tomorrow. Remember to complete the PAC section of your task.

Electricity Project (A Quick Timeline)

  1. Working on Poster Design for all groups - T3W9 to Sept Holidays
  2. Submit Poster Design - 14 Sept (Mon) T4W1
  3. Gallery Walk in Classroom 5B for all groups (Poster & Mini-House to be ready) - 14 Sept (Mon) T4W1
  4. Recess Showcase cum Presentation for the 2 best groups - 17 Sept (Thurs) T4W1 

September Holiday Assignment: Rate of Evaporation Experiment

September Holiday Assignment (Topic: Water Cycle: Rate of Evaporation)

Assignment to be done in NSB

You will choose one experiment below to carry out the experiment at home. 
1) To find out if the location (e.g. under fan, near window, under the sun, in the fridge) affects the rate of evaporation.
2) To find out if the size of handkerchief (exposed surface area) affects the rate of evaporation.

You are to record the following when conducting the experiment:
- Materials used
- Changing variable
- All other variables that are kept constant
- Results & observation (can be drawn or in words)
- Conclusion

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Please read "The One and Only Ivan" ...

... at least the first 60 pages. I have set up a quiz for you. Based on the results of the quiz, those who have finished reading the whole book will be duly rewarded.

Monday 24 August 2015

Sample answers from the girls

  1. Jane and her brother are always fighting like cats and dogs over trivial matters.
  2. Regardless of the type of natural disaster, Mum always tends to play down the damage caused by them to avoid frightening my little sister, Katie.
  3. In a daze, the only two survivors of the hurricane wandered the streets of the devastated and abandoned town  that had once been their home.
  4. In desperation, Cammy begged the zookeeper to help her retrieve her treasured bracelet that had dropped into the lion’s enclosure.
  5. Remains / remainder
  6. Mary is constantly nudging Susan to remind her to pay close attention in class.
  7. In appreciation of my kind act, the old lady invited me to her house for tea.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Electricity Concept Map (with linking words) & other matters

Here's the concept map to copy into your Nature Study Book.
Revise & Study for your CA2 Science Paper. All the best next week!

To file into your Science File neatly on your own
- Practice Paper Set 1 (Booklet B)
- Practice Paper Set 2 (MCQ)

EL tasks

  1. Compo Corrections for "A Family Outing". Preferably, you should type out your compo corrections and send the document to me via email. Alternatively, you may choose to save it in a thumbdrive for me to download. I can print out the corrections for you if and only if you have sent / given me the softcopy of your corrections. This is due on Monday.
  2. Read "The One and Only Ivan"
  3. Revise for your English examination on Monday. Return your EL file if you do not require it for further revision during the September holidays.
In the meantime ...

Keep Fit and Stay Healthy.

Cut-Out Animation ... Work-In-Progress



Friday 14 August 2015


... page 15 is due on Monday. Remember to cut and paste the sections neatly in your Spelling Book.

Also, bring along your EL file on Monday.

Thursday 13 August 2015

LS 9.4

is due tomorrow. Be reminded that there are two parts A and B.

Science File for Revision & Homework Practice Paper Set 2 (MCQ)

Science File has been returned for revision. 
Please get parents' signature on the content page & return after your Science Paper on 26 Aug (Wed).

Weekend Homework
Complete Practice Paper Set 2 (MCQ) and hand in on Monday, 17 Aug.

Bring back Practice Paper Set 1 (MCQ)
I've given you the answers to this paper today. Bring this back next Monday as I'll be going through selected questions (esp. Term 3 topics)

Electricity Project Worksheet 
This is due on Monday (17 Aug).

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Tuesday 11 August 2015

LS 9.1 and Reflection

  • LS 9.1 is due tomorrow. Check out the metaphors game by scanning the QR Code.
  • The Reflection for 'Compassion and Respect' is also due tomorrow for those who did not manage to complete it in class today.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

National Day Long Weekend Science Homework

Complete Topical Worksheet 2 (Electricity)

This is due Tuesday, 11 Aug.

Hand in to Science Monitor first thing in the morning when you arrive in school.

Long Weekend English Assignments

  1. SG50 Story Writing (this task is due by 19th August)
  2. Spelling Corrections. Sample answers from the boys are on the previous blog entry.
  3. Companion Booklet 9 Cover Page
  4. PS 1: Visual Text
  5. PS 2: Open Ended Comprehension. Remember to use QRAC, Annotations, TGPS and BUN.
  6. (Optional): LRD Page 4
Take note:
  • Assignment numbered 2 to 5 are due next Tuesday.
  • Assignment 1 is due only on the 19th but if you can finish during the break, submit it to me on Tuesday.
  • Assignment 6 is optional so if you feel you do not have the time to complete it, you may choose not to do it.

Have a WONDERFUL National Day Break.
Keep fit and healthy.

Sample Answers from the boys ...

  1. My family and I were laughing heartily after I told them a joke on the way back from our pleasurable picnic at the beach.
  2.  Doctors recommend unfit people to exercise daily.
  3.  uniqueness
  4.  Tom is allergic to peanuts but he still tried some and as a consequence, he had rashes for a week.
  5. scheduling
  6.  Many people say that I am as humorous as a clown.
  7. Diseases like Ebola and cancer are deadly.

Monday 3 August 2015

PS2 ...

is due tomorrow. Remember to use QRAC, Annotations, TGPS and BUN strategies.

Also, bring along your cap, scarf and small flag for our rehearsal.

Science Practice Paper Set 1 (MCQ)

Complete all questions.

This is due Wednesday, 5 August.