Wednesday 28 October 2015

Answers to Q37 & Q38 & Important Water Cycle concepts

P5 SA2 Practice Paper Set 1 
Answers to Q37 & 38 
37a) He is incorrect. The mass of the water remains unchanged. (1m) However, the warmer water vapour from the surrounding loses heat as it touches the cooler surface of the beaker and condenses into water droplets, which increases the mass.

37b) The water vapour inside the car is warmer than the outside. (1m) So, the warmer water vapour touches the cooler surface of the windscreen, loses heat and condenses into water droplets l. (1m)

38a) Set-up A. (1m) The towel in A was not folded so its exposed surface area was the greatest. (1m)

38b) The greater the exposed surface area of the towel, the faster the rate of evaporation of water. (1m)

Important Water Cycle Concepts

  1. Water gain heat and evaporates into water vapour. (Hot water vapour is used only when explaining boiling. For non-boiling situations, use warmer water vapour)
  2. Water vapour loses heat and condenses into tiny water droplets. (Water vapour cannot condenses into clouds. Clouds are formed when more water droplets gathered together.)
  3. Surrounding air is cooler  => There is a temperature difference => The greater the temperature difference, the faster the rate of condensation. Condensation can only take place when there is a temperature difference.
  4. Evaporation takes place when there is a higher temperature in the surrounding or is windy.
  5. Uses of water in plants, animals and humans.
  6. Importance of reusing, reducing and recycling water.

Friday 23 October 2015

Admin stuff

  • Get your parents to sign the MC Online report and return it to me on Monday.
  • Bring along your Grammar Smart on Monday (only for those who have not submitted them today).

Answers for Spelling Corrections

  1. foreign
  2. governmental
  3. maintaining
  4. receiving
  5. rhythmic
  6. exhilarated
  7. dissatisfaction
  8. familiarity
  9. aggression / aggressiveness
  10. accusation

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Brain Teaser 2

Try giving an explanation too!

HBL on 22 Oct: Self-mark PP Set 2 (MCQ)

Your task today is to:
  • Take out Practice Paper Set 2 (MCQ) which was assigned as Monday's HW.
  • Using the answer key provided below, self-mark all questions, with a green pen.
  • Circle the questions that you don't understand why you get it wrong. 
  • Bring the paper back next Monday (26 Oct) & we will go through selected questions in class. 

Monday 19 October 2015

Thursday 15 October 2015

Story: A Wild Ride on the Water Cycle

This is a story of Jack & Alice

They were on an adventure through time and weather; from the belly of a T-Rex to falling snowflakes, the two water droplets learnt about friendship and the Water Cycle as they evaporate and precipitate their way through this wild ride.

Click on the link below for the Story. 
A Wild Ride on the Water Cycle

EL Homework due tomorrow

PS 2 and PS 4.

There will be spelling for Unit 11 so bring along your Spelling Book.

Also, you should start completing the Grammar Smart Exercises (selected ones only). These are due next Friday, 23 October.

Science File + Homework + PSLE Marking Week HBL

File in the following items neatly into your Science File at home
  • Electricity Project Worksheet
  • SA2 Practice Paper Set 1 (Section B)
Homework: SA2 Practice Paper Set 1 (Section B)
  • Complete the remaining 2 questions: Q37 & Q38.
  • Bring back this paper on 26 Oct (Mon). 
  • We will go through the answers in class. 
PSLE Marking Week Home-Based Learning
19/10 (Mon) 
Complete P5 SA2 Practice Paper Set 2 (Booklet A)
-          Timed yourself to complete in 30 minutes.
-          Remember to write any notes & use elimination method for the given options.

20/10 (Tues)
MC Online – 5 Revision Lesson Packages on Water Cycle (TB Chapter 4, 5 & 6)
Access from 20 Oct onwards.

21/10 (Wed)
Refer to the Class Blog (16 Oct post) for a recap of the story on “A Wild Ride on the Water Cycle

Complete the following task on a piece of fulscape. This task takes you about 20minutes. Do not spend longer than that. This is due Friday, 23 Oct.

Imagine you are a water droplet. Write a story on an adventure that you will take to cover the following pointers in your adventure:
-          The different processes in the water cycle. (evaporation & condensation)
-          Any three places that you will visit. (e.g. hot, cold, polluted places, etc)
-          The three interchangeable states of matter. (Ice, Water, Water vapour)
-          The three factors that affect the rate of evaporation.
-          The importance of water for life processes.

22/10 (Thurs)
Refer to Class Blog for more instructions on today's activity.
You can access the instructions from 22 Oct, 8am onwards.

Please post your queries in the class blog or email me at

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Science File & & Some Reminders

File in the following item neatly into your Science File at home
  • Topical Worksheet (2) - Water Cycle & Precious Water
Reminders : Bring back the following items tomorrow
  • SA2 Practice Paper Set 1 (Section B): to go through answers to Q42 - Q44.
  • SA2 Practice Paper Set 1 (MCQ): to go through Q20 - Q30.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Immunisation Form and Health Booklet

Be reminded to show your parents the blue letter from Ministry of Health about your upcoming immunisation. You parents need to complete the pink form (Consent for Immunisation) found on page 1 and 2 of the Booklet, detach it and sign it. I will be collecting both the the pink form and your Health Booklet (Baby Booklet) latest by this Friday, 16 October.

Monday 12 October 2015


File up the "Interesting Story" compo in your Compo file and bring  it to school. We will be looking at the sample stories tomorrow.

Thursday 8 October 2015

Long weekend homework

Companion Booklet 11:
  • Cover Page (Movie Sequence)
  • PS 1 (Visual Text)
  • Spelling is postponed to Monday.
Wishing all of you A Happy Children's Day. 
Stay Young at Heart Always.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Science Homework & Filing

The following items have been returned to you today. File them neatly with the content page in your Green File.

  • Activity 5: From Gas to Liquid
  • Term 4 Content Page
Complete Topical Worksheet 2: Water Cycle & Precious Water

This is due Monday, 12 Oct.


Please submit the completed LRD page 16 by tomorrow.

Also, there will be Spelling so revise the Unit 12 words.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

FTGP, Compo Corrections and Companion Booklet

  1. FTGP: pages 16 and 29 are due next week 13 October. For page 16, you are required to log into, create your avatar and draw it on page 16.
  2. The Compo corrections for "An Interesting Story" is due this Thursday, 8 October. I am not going to PO for you so if you are typing it out, you need to PO it yourself.
  3. PS 2 (Open-Ended Compre) is due tomorrow. Show your QRAC, Annotations, TGPS and BUN clearly.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Science Practice Paper Set 1 (MCQ) & NSB Homework on Water Cycle Model

Practice Paper Set 1 (MCQ)
Complete all in 30minutes. 
This is due Wednesday, 7 Oct.

Homework in NSB
Watch the video below & draw out this Water Cycle Model by illustrating what the following items represent in the Natural Water Cycle on Earth.
  1. Ice 
  2. Huge bowl 
  3. Small beaker 
  4. Hot water in the bowl 
  5. Water droplets on the underside of the cling wrap near the ice 
  6. Water collected in the beaker
Video: Making your own Water Cycle Model at home

Friday 2 October 2015


Write a compo based on the theme "An Interesting Story" using one of the four ways to start a story listed in the worksheet that I gave you today. You have already heard some of your friends' plots and if you need to change yours, you may do so but remember to add it into your Story Plan and Story Mountain. Your aim is to make sure that at least one of the pictures shown is used in your story and that the storyline must be interesting for readers. Write a good one poppers!

This assignment is due on Monday.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Story Plan

Please complete the Story Plan for PS 13 by tomorrow.

Science Homework

SA2 Practice Paper Set 1 
- Complete Questions 39-44 only.
- This is due on Monday, 5 Oct.

Answer Key to Question 31-36
I've gone through the common mistakes in class today. Do you corrections as homework.