Friday 29 January 2016

Factors affecting rate of photosynthesis

Dear 6B

We have discussed briefly on the four factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis today.

Please visit the following web link provided and jot down some notes as we will continue our discussions based on this next Wednesday. 

Do familiarize yourself with the different experiment to set-up to test for the different factors affecting photosynthesis and also, possible investigations to test for starch and oxygen produced by the leaves during photosynthesis. 


Weekend English Homework

Companion Booklet:
  1. Cover Page
  2. PS 1: Visual Text Comprehension
All due on Monday.

  • Tomorrow, 30 Jan, Teacher-Parent Networking session. Starts at 9 am.
  • Field Based Learning Journey to Sentosa on Monday.
  • Answer the questions for our KWL lesson today in the "The Bow Wow Brigade" page.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

LRD task

Page 16 and 17 is due tomorrow. Cut the activity box (brown) into 3 separate sections before you paste them neatly in your exercise book.

Monday 25 January 2016

FTGP, Final and Math Adventure

  1. FTGP pages 33 and 34 are due next Monday, 1 Feb.
  2. The final version of your composition on "Bully" is due tomorrow. Remember to use the suggestions that your friends have given to improve your story. This task is due tomorrow.
  3. If you intend to subscribe to the Math Adventure Magazine, please complete the order form and provide the necessary payment to the vendor who will be stationed in the canteen tomorrow.

Friday 22 January 2016

Weekend reminders and homework

Reminders: What's coming up?

  1. Parent-Teacher Networking on Saturday 30 Jan
  2. Field-based Learning Journey on 1 Feb. Please submit your consent forms on Monday, 25 Jan.
  3. Smart Card photo taking on 2 Feb
  • Complete any outstanding corrections in the Companion Booklet. Exclude PS 2 and 6, I will go through the answers with you on Monday.
  • First Draft of your "Bullying" composition from Companion Booklet PS 12. You need to include the Story Mountain for this compo. Write your first draft in a foolscap in your best handwriting please.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Homework due tomorrow

  1. Spelling Corrections. You need to write out the whole sentence with the correct answer as your correction. Please underline or highlight the correct word.
  2. LRD page 16, Part 1: Antonyms and Part 2: Idioms. Cut and paste them neatly in your exercise book.

Monday 18 January 2016

Answers to Synthesis 1

Please do your necessary corrections.
1.       Kevin is not good in Math. His brother is not good in Math.
Kevin and his brother are both not good in Math.
2.       “Please ask your mother for permission if you want to go out,” said Miss Lim to Peter.
Miss Lim told Peter to ask his mother for permission if he wanted to go out.
3.       Henry does not put enough effort during football practice. He will not make the football team.
If Henry does not put enough effort during football practice, he will not make the team.
4.       Tim broke my toy boat. I bought it yesterday.
The toy boat I bought yesterday was broken by Tim.
5.       Mary went to the market. Mary did not buy fruits.
Although Mary went to the market, she did not buy fruits .
6.       James dislikes the smell of durians. Jane dislikes the smell too.
Neither James nor Jane likes the smell of durian.
7.       The French woman was trying to ask me for directions. I could not understand what she was saying.
The French woman was trying to ask me for directions but I could not understand what she was saying.
8.       The boy continued to play in the rain. His mother warned him.
The boy continued to play in the rain despite the fact that his mother warned him / his mother’s warning .
9.       “You can all leave class early today,” the teacher told her students.
The teacher told her students that they could all leave class early that day.
10.   Mike left his house in a hurry. He left his keys on the table.
Mike left his keys on the table because he left his house in a hurry.

Friday 15 January 2016


  • If you have not completed the PS2 of your Companion Booklet in class, please do so during the weekends. Remember to check your answers at least twice over before you submit it on Monday.
  • Also due on Monday is this Synthesis exercise. Write out these questions on a foolscap paper, neatly. Thank you for saving the Earth.
                1.       Kevin is not good in Math. His brother is not good in Math.

___________________ both __________________________.
2.       “Please ask your mother for permission if you want to go out,” said Miss Lim to Peter.
Miss Lim told Peter _________________________________.
3.       Henry does not put enough effort during football practice. He will not make the football team.
If _______________________________________________.
4.       Tim broke my toy boat. I bought it yesterday.
The toy boat I _____________________________________.
5.       Mary went to the market. Mary did not buy fruits.
Although _________________________________________.
6.       James dislikes the smell of durians. Jane dislikes the smell too.
Neither __________________________________________.
7.       The French woman was trying to ask me for directions. I could not understand what she was saying.
____________________________ but ______________________.
8.       The boy continued to play in the rain. His mother warned him.
________________________ despite _______________________.
9.       “You can all leave class early today,” the teacher told her students.
The teacher told her students __________________________.
10.   Mike left his house in a hurry. He left his keys on the table.
_____________________ because _____________________.

Thursday 14 January 2016

PSLE test papers and Companion Booklet

  • Fill up the correct information for the PSLE test paper order form and submit it together with your payment to me tomorrow. I would appreciate very much if you could pay in exact change and no coins please.
  • Companion Booklet: PS 6 - Direct Speech to Reported Speech, is also due tomorrow.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Week 2 LRD task due tomorrow

Cut and paste:

  1. Page 16 Part 1 only. This should take up 2 pages of your exercise book.
  2. Page 17 (with the attached illustrations - preferably). This should also take up 2 pages of your exercise book.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Friday 8 January 2016

Weekend Tasks due Monday

  1. Find the meaning of the 45 words in the spelling lists.
  2. Get your parents to complete and verify the information in the Student Details Report and Pupil's Particulars Form

Thursday 7 January 2016

LRD assignment: due tomorrow

Cut and paste these pages in your exercise book:

  • Page 14 part 1 and 2
  • Page 15 part 2 only
Altogether, you should be using 7 pages. Remember to be neat and tidy.

In addition, you need to complete the "Subjects Targets" worksheet and get your parent's signature. Remember, targets are supposed to be coloured orange

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Haiku Competition and Homework

Hi poppers,

There is a Haiku competition coming up and I would like to invite you to go for it. If you are interested, you may get the entry form from me.

Here is the link to the website: (click on the image below)

You may also find further info on the EL notice board in school.

Homework: Due tomorrow, 6 Jan.
  • Companion Booklet 1 PS 1. Be reminded that there are 8 questions altogether. Show your annotations.

Monday 4 January 2016

Welcome Back Poppers!

Please be reminded:
  1. Subscribe to the Young Scientist Magazines if you want to.
  2. Bring your working thermometer tomorrow.
  3. Bring all the English stuff that I listed on the board.
  • Companion Booklet 1 Cover Page + meanings of the 20 words