Friday 27 February 2015

For next week

  1. CA1 exams are on! Wishing you all the very best.
  2. Return your English files on Monday. Remember to get your parent's signatures wherever necessary and applicable.
  3. If you need to ask any questions regarding the CA1 Practice Paper, you can do so on Monday morning.
  4. For Art on Monday, you do not need to bring your apron or over-sized T-shirt. I have decided to do the printing plates in class.
In the meantime ...

Thursday 26 February 2015

Science Filing & Revision Matters (Week 8)

Filing into Science Green File

The following has been returned to you today. Do file them into your Science File at home.
  • CA1 Practice Paper Set 1 (MCQ)
  • CA1 Practice Paper Set 1 (Open-ended)
  • Activity 4
Do complete any outstanding corrections on your own, if any.

Homework due on Monday (2 March)
  • CA1 Practice Paper Set 2 (Open-ended) - Q 42 & 44 only

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Science Revision Matters (Week 8)

CA1 Practice Paper Set 2 (MCQ) - Complete all questions by tomorrow (26 Feb). I'll be going through selected question in class tomorrow.

Answers to CA1 Practice Paper Set 1 (MCQ)
Please complete qn Q21-23 & check your answers below.

No. Answer No. Answer
1 4 16 2
2 4 17 4
3 3 18 3
4 3 19 2
5 2 20 1
6 2 21 4
7 2 22 3
8 4 23 1
9 4 24 4
10 4 25 4
11 2 26 1
12 4 27 1
13 3 28 2
14 2 29 3
15 3 30 2


Hey poppers,
Here are some of the outstanding comic strips ...

LRD Assignment

  1. Cut out the activity on page 6 as shown below. 
  2. Paste it on a fresh page of your Spelling Book. 
  3. On another page answer questions 1, 2 and 3. Minimum number of words is 50 for all three questions. 
  4. Remember to use the scaffolds and connectors when answering them.
  5. As for the Yellow Box, follow the instructions and write your short memo inside the box.

This assignment is due tomorrow.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

What happened in the end ...

So Poppers, just like the little bird, I hope you will remain diligent and persevere to do your best. Yes, it will take a lot of hard work, sweat and even blood ... but I promise that if you just hold on and weather it through, you will succeed.

Anyway ... submit your Comic Strip by tomorrow.

Monday 23 February 2015

Science Homework due Wed (25 Feb)

  1. Practice Paper Set 1 - Complete Question 42, 43 & 44
  2. Topical Worksheet 1 - Do all
Note: For the questions on Circulatory System, we will discuss them in class on Wednesday. Do attempt the questions first. If you have problems with the questions, we will clarify your doubts on Wednesday.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Tuesday 17 February 2015

EL assignments, reminders and poppers!

  • Complete PS1 (Visual Text) and PS10 (Editing) by tomorrow. This will be the last homework for this week. I will not be assigning any more so that you will be able to enjoy your Chinese New Year holidays.
  • You are reminded to be in your home clothes tomorrow. Preferably, wear something that will reflect the auspicious colours of Chinese New Year like red and gold. If you have the traditional cheong sam or chi bao, you may want to wear those. I am looking out for the best dressed among you ... a special prize awaits. Since it will be a short day, you need only bring a small bag to house your storybook, water bottle, pupil's handbook, pencil case and colour pencils. However, do take note that you are required to bring your Companion Booklet and Compo Corrections which are due tomorrow. 

Our two poppers, One for Most Persevering and the other for Most Diligent.
Well done Girls!!

Monday 16 February 2015

EL assignments

  1. Both Practice Sheets 3 (Synonyms) and 5 (Antonyms) of Companion Booklet 3 is due tomorrow.
  2. Read the new Stellar Story: Photography and we will complete the KWL for this story tomorrow. 
  3. The compo corrections for "Fear" is due on Wednesday, so you will have ample time to complete it. Try to type it out and send via email to me. Alternatively, you can save it in a thumbdrive for me to extract. Preferably, you should print the corrections out and attach it at the back of your original compo. If you are unable to type or save it, I would suggest you write out the corrections in a foolscap. Use ONLY black or blue pen or pencil.

Science File & Homework in Nature Study Book

Science File has been returned with the following items inside.
  1. Activity 1
  2. Activity 2
  3. Activity 3
  4. Notes: Plant Transport System
  5. Notes: Air & Respiratory System
Do get parent's signature on the content page for these 5 items.

Nature Study Book Homework
Conduct an investigation on whether different activities can affect your pulse rate. Be creative to come up with as many different activities that you would like to find out. (minimum 5 activities) The activities are not restricted to running, resting & climbing stairs. 
Some other examples: 
- Sleeping
- Eating lunch/dinner
- Playing computer games/ipad
- Taking the public bus/train/car
- Taking to your family members
- Watching Television

At the end of your investigation, write down your conclusion & draw your own graph to present your pulse rates for different activities.

Enjoy & have a good CNY break. Stay fit & healthy!

Friday 13 February 2015

Companion Booklet and LRD

  1. You have learnt the strategies for Open Ended Comprehension today. They are QRAC and TGPS. I hope you did not forget what the letters stand for. Please submit the completed Practice Sheet 2 on Monday. Remember to apply the strategies and tick the letters (QRAC and TGPS) accordingly. Also, I hope you will try to do annotations for the passage.
  2. The answers for the LRD task is as follows:

Thursday 12 February 2015

Grammar Smart tasks + Situational Writing (if any)

Grammar Smart:
  1. Unit 3: Quantifiers. Pages 18 and 19. For page 19, each sentence must be at least 7 words long.
  2. Unit 4: Synonyms and Antonyms. Pages 22 and 23.
Remember to read the 'Look and Learn' and 'Grammar in Action' sections before attempting the exercises. For the above tasks, you should should not take more than 30 minutes to complete them. 

Situational Writing: For those who have not completed your Situational Writing piece (SW2) in class, please finish it up as homework. You should not take more than 20 minutes to do this since you have started it in class.

Science Weekend homework

Science CA1 Practice Paper Set 2 (10 Questions only)

Complete Question 31-38, 40-41 ONLY.

This is due Monday, 16 Feb.

Complete the above task in 45min. Do timed yourself as you attempt this practice paper.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Air & Respiratory System Notes

Complete the missing blanks in the notes handout given today. This is due tomorrow, 12 Feb.

Do take this homework as your revision on the Respiratory System.

Study Plans exemplars


Remember to get your parent's signature for those whose study plans have been endorsed by me. Submit the signed study plans to me tomorrow.

LRD and PS 8 tasks

Please complete these:
  • The LRD activity on page 15 and paste the sections in your Spelling book. This assignment should not take more than 20 minutes to complete.
  • PS 8 of your Companion Booklet. Since we have completed the even numbered questions as a class, this exercise should not take more than 20 minutes to complete.
All the above are due tomorrow.

Spelling sample answers (from the girls)

  1. encouragement
  2. We are going to interview a famous athlete.
  3. different
  4. The salesman persuaded Mrs Lee to buy a bottle of vitamin sweets from him.
  5. responsibility
  6. Lily is an extremely competitive person. She will do whatever it takes to win the competition.
  7. When I was young, I enjoyed reading adventure books and ghost stories.
  8. We need confidence and perseverance in order to excel.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Study Plan

Following up on the assembly programme today about STAR and Study Plan, please draw up a study plan for yourself and submit it tomorrow.
Your study plan should :

  • be a weekly plan
  • show the breakdown of 'study' related work including homework
  • show the subjects that you are revising
  •  the number of hours you allocate for each activity
You can either use a computer to come up with your plan and print it out OR draw up the plan using foolscap paper. You will need me to see it first before you get your parent's endorsement.

Some examples below. You may need to do your own adjustments.

Friday 6 February 2015

English Weekend Assignments + Thailand Trip Reply Slip

  1. Complete PS1: Visual Text of your Companion Booklet and any other corrections that you may have for the other Practice Sheets.
  2. Do another reading recording based on PS11 of your Companion Booklet and send it to my moe email. Remember to read clearly, with the correct pronunciation, pacing and expression. Try to improve on your previous recording.
  3. As for the Thailand trip, please return me the acknowledgement slip even though you may not want to go for it. 
All the above are due on Monday.

In the meantime...
Keep fit and healthy!

40% of lower-Primary kids not getting enough sleep: Survey

Read this news article and tell me what you think about it in the comments section.

SINGAPORE: About 4 in 10 children from lower Primary lack enough sleep, according to a survey conducted by students from Nanyang Technological University.
The survey, which was done in collaboration with National University Hospital, also showed that most of these children get 8 hours of sleep on a school night, when they should ideally clock in 9 to 10 hours a day.
More than 300 respondents - comprising parents with children aged between six and nine years old - were asked about their perceptions of sleep, their children's sleep hygiene and their own, between November and December last year.
Of those surveyed,  37 per cent of children were found not to have a regular bedtime, while 35 per cent of them do not have a regular bedtime routine. As a result, they tend to feel sleepy or become overactive during the day. Some also fall asleep when commuting on public transport or while watching TV.
For these children, most spend their time using digital devices before they sleep. 75 per cent of children watch television, 60 per cent use smartphones, while 30 per cent use computers an hour before bedtime. Such practices increase arousal and negatively affect the quality of a child's sleep.
These practices may have been taken on as a result of their own parents' pre-bedtime behaviour. Most parents said they spend their time watching TV an hour before bedtime, while 4 in 5 admitted to using smartphones for social media.
Nine in 10 parents also admitted that they do not feel that their child has a sleep problem. Inadequate sleep hygiene is often the result of a lack of parental supervision of bedtime and sleep behaviours. It is also caused by insufficient knowledge about sleep needs and appropriate sleep behaviours.
Parents should look out for signs of sleep deprivation in their children, such as a lack of concentration, drop in school performance, irritability and frustration at the slightest provocation as well as spontaneously falling asleep when sitting down or watching TV.
The survey is part of a public information campaign called The Pillow Police.

Here's the link: sleep foundation

Thursday 5 February 2015

Science Homework due on Monday (9 Feb)

  1. Complete Activity 2 (Lung Model). You will need a measuring tape to do page 2. Should you have problem getting a measuring tape, I'll bring some tapes on Monday.
  2. Nature Study Book  - Read your text book pg 16 & 17. Complete the animal respiratory system by writing down how the given animals breathe. You may use other resources/books to get new information on these animals. (Here's what you've done in class)

Wednesday 4 February 2015

CA1 Practice Paper Set 1 - Question 40 only

is due tomorrow.

Art, LRD and Companion Booklet

  • Do your research for Art and draw at least 2 sketches of your selected theme in your Sketch Book. This task is due next Wednesday, 11 Feb.
  • For LRD, paste the three sections of page 16 in your Spelling book. Each section should be in a new page. Remember to complete your corrections for the pop quiz first before you paste your LRD sections. This task is due tomorrow.
  • PS 5 and 6 of the Companion Booklet is due tomorrow too.

Monday 2 February 2015

Companion Booklet ...

... Practice Sheet 10 is due tomorrow. Remember also to get your parent's signature for your Spelling Book.