Friday 6 February 2015

40% of lower-Primary kids not getting enough sleep: Survey

Read this news article and tell me what you think about it in the comments section.

SINGAPORE: About 4 in 10 children from lower Primary lack enough sleep, according to a survey conducted by students from Nanyang Technological University.
The survey, which was done in collaboration with National University Hospital, also showed that most of these children get 8 hours of sleep on a school night, when they should ideally clock in 9 to 10 hours a day.
More than 300 respondents - comprising parents with children aged between six and nine years old - were asked about their perceptions of sleep, their children's sleep hygiene and their own, between November and December last year.
Of those surveyed,  37 per cent of children were found not to have a regular bedtime, while 35 per cent of them do not have a regular bedtime routine. As a result, they tend to feel sleepy or become overactive during the day. Some also fall asleep when commuting on public transport or while watching TV.
For these children, most spend their time using digital devices before they sleep. 75 per cent of children watch television, 60 per cent use smartphones, while 30 per cent use computers an hour before bedtime. Such practices increase arousal and negatively affect the quality of a child's sleep.
These practices may have been taken on as a result of their own parents' pre-bedtime behaviour. Most parents said they spend their time watching TV an hour before bedtime, while 4 in 5 admitted to using smartphones for social media.
Nine in 10 parents also admitted that they do not feel that their child has a sleep problem. Inadequate sleep hygiene is often the result of a lack of parental supervision of bedtime and sleep behaviours. It is also caused by insufficient knowledge about sleep needs and appropriate sleep behaviours.
Parents should look out for signs of sleep deprivation in their children, such as a lack of concentration, drop in school performance, irritability and frustration at the slightest provocation as well as spontaneously falling asleep when sitting down or watching TV.
The survey is part of a public information campaign called The Pillow Police.

Here's the link: sleep foundation


  1. Not all children need to 9 -10 hours of sleep. When we have a lot of tuition & school homework, how are we suppose to finish the homework given by our teacher when we need to sleep early.

  2. I don't think it is the children's fault they sleep late either. Some may suffer from insomnia like my elder brother while others just struggle like my younger brother. (For no reason) Also, some may suffer from stress and find it hard to sleep as they worry too much. As for me, I sleep easily and find it hard to wake up early. :)

    1. It is a blessing to fall asleep easily

    2. For me I have to hear music to sleep.

    3. Why do you have difficulties trying to wake up in the morning?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I am in very deep sleep, according to Sebastian. :)

    6. My mother has to call me 3 times in order to wake me up sometimes, but i don't think I am in a very deep sleep like Tze Xin, am I?

    7. No, because I have to be called like a million times to wake up. :)

    8. Which part of our body rest when we sleep and which part does not?

    9. Almost all parts of our body during our sleep to reproduce more cells muscles and tissues, more info to process

    10. But I am still puzzled over which part of our body rests and which does not rest like the other parts of our body does when we are asleep.

  3. Arcoding, to a research it says that our sleep is counted by 90 mins so that means our sleep is divided into 4 stages and it takes a total of 90 mins. So if we sleep at 9pm and wake up 990 mins later we will feel energitic but if we wake up 1000 mins later we will feel very sleepy.See 10 mins makes a different as our sleep cycle has started. For my opinion for this survey, I think children should not use tablets before they sleep but they should read a book or something (not digital) and they should feel relaxed. I think parents should also have good sleeping habits so their children from them. Not the children learn the bad sleeping habits. Children should not being homework at night and if they have do much homework they could discuss it with someone (eg. Teacher,parent).

    1. In my opinion,children should not play electrical devices that emit radiation waves as they will affect the sleep timing of them.
      Babies should get at least 12-14 hours of sleep,children should get at least 8-10 and last but not least,adults should get 7.5-9
      Zxan Ho

    2. Why must babies get more sleep than us children?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I think babies need more sleep because their body are growing up and they need more energy and rest.

    5. But aren't we children also growing up too?

    6. And,we have more stress than babies as they only need to eat,sleep,bath,use some energy to cry,play and do their business!

    7. What are the 4 stages?

    8. What Are REM and Non-REM Sleep?

      A lot happens in your body while you sleep. When you get your ZZZs, you cycle between REM and non-REM sleep. 

      REM stands for rapid eye movement. During REM sleep, your eyes move quickly in different directions. That doesn't happen during non-REM sleep.

      First comes non-REM sleep, followed by a shorter period of REM sleep, and then the cycle starts over again. Dreams typically happen during REM sleep.
      What Happens During Non-REM Sleep?

      There are three phases of non-REM sleep. Each stage can last from 5 to 15 minutes. You go through all three phases before reaching REM sleep.

      Stage 1: Your eyes are closed, but it's easy to wake you up. This phase may last for 5 to 10 minutes.

      Stage 2: You are in light sleep. Your heart rate slows and your body temperature drops. Your body is getting ready for deep sleep.

      Stages 3: This is the deep sleep stage. It's harder to rouse you during this stage, and if someone woke you up, you would feel disoriented for a few minutes.

      During the deep stages of NREM sleep, the body repairs and regrows tissues, builds bone and muscle, and strengthens the immune system.

      As you get older, you sleep more lightly and get less deep sleep. Aging is also linked to shorter time spans of sleep, although studies show you still need as much sleep as when you were younger.

      What Is REM Sleep?

      Usually, REM sleep happens 90 minutes after you fall asleep. The first period of REM typically lasts 10 minutes. Each of your later REM stages gets longer, and the final one may last up to an hour. Your heart rate and breathing quickens.

      You can have intense dreams during REM sleep, since your brain is more active. 

      Babies can spend up to 50% of their sleep in the REM stage, compared to only about 20% for adults.

    9. How can we know when we are in REM sleep, or in non-REM sleep?

    10. Babies need to grow more than us like teeth bones muscles that's why babies are brittle.

    11. We only grow lesser for example from 2 to 3 yrs old your height will increase more than from 9 to 10 yes old right. See your height over the yrs and the difference in height will be different

    12. You are changing the subject.

    13. I'm replying your question before this question.

    14. For Yi Xuan's question on why babies must get more sleep than us, it is because babies are younger than us and their bodies needs more time to mature so having more sleep helps them to rest and relax which helps the, grow faster.

  4. In my opinion, some children sleep early but as they have sleeping problems or feel a bit uncomfortable, that might cause them to sleep late.

    1. Can you name some of the sleeping problems?

    2. Didn't Tze Xin state 1 example.

    3. But I still cannot understand how the sleeping problems can affect our sleep.

    4. It's a sleeping problem right?!

    5. Yi Xuan, sleeping problems makes it hard for us to sleep.thanks for telling Yi Xuan my example Sebastian... You posted your comment at 11pm, were you having a sleeping problem?

    6. No I slept late that as I had a party. Thanks for asking.

    7. Thanks Tze Xin for the information. I appreciate it a lot.

    8. Your welcome Yi Xuan. What party were you having, Sebastian?

    9. Just a regular party. Some of my relatives come and have a party.

    10. What time did you sleep and wake? Did you get enough sleep?

    11. LOL... what an inspiration!! :P

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think teachers should not give the students too much homework a they might not be able to finish it and will have to stay up late in order to finish it.

    2. Why would they not be able to finish it? Besides tuition or CCA, they have the whole day to finish it.

    3. Like me, I only have time to bath after remedial and have to rush off to tuition.~_~

    4. Then work harder and don't get remedial. -.-

  6. Maybe the children are having stress so they surf the Internet or watch television to relieve stress

    1. But it is bad for their health.

    2. It is but if they don't relieve the stress it can cause medical problems

    3. So is blindness worse or depression and suicidial worse? Suicidial is a form of depression

  7. I think some kids don't have enough sleep is because they can't finish their homework on time and rush over midnight to complete it.I also think that giving the child too much homework might over stress the child causing the child not to have time to sleep. Poo Pei Yi

  8. My opinion is enough sleep is important to stay healthy and be focus in class. However, most of the time, we have a lot of homework to do, as such, we cannot get 9 to 10 hours of sleep a day.

  9. In my opinion, the p1 kids are still not used to the little homework given as they are still learning and often do not know what to do. However, the lower primary students should not have stress since the upper primary students have more homework than them.
    Even though they are not used to the stress, they do not need to worry. The upper primary and the secondary 3&4 students have more stress than them. They have CCA, tuition, homework, and so much stuff to do that they have to some time stay until midnight to finish up! When it is nearing the exams, they must stay up till over midnight to finish up their homework, and revision .
    I think the teachers should concentrate on giving the student break and less homework as their homework is to revise. I would suggest to the candidates to stay calm, think positive, seek help, and lastly, take 5-10 minutes of break and that would help their eyes. They would also need to stay fit and keep healthy in the meantime.

    1. In my opinion,I think that maybe a good and well organised study plan may do the trick.

  10. Nur Deanna Sim Khalid8 February 2015 at 16:29

    I think that some children would have difficulty sleeping as they might be stressed from homework. Usually I am in bed by 10pm, but I only fall asleep at 11pm. It is not reccomended for children to play with their electronic devises before they sleep, as the brain would have more infomatIon to process, causing the child to have difficulty sleeping.

    1. But why do people suggest that you read a book or listen to soft music(not pop music!) before your sleep? Won`t the brain still have the information to process?

    2. Reading a book or listening to soft music will allow our brain to relax and we will be able to sleep

    3. Books have information too!

  11. In my opinion,I think that maybe we should try to reduce as much tuition or extra homework as possible to get enough sleep,save money as well as to pass our exams with flying colours. Even parents get stressed out by the number of tuition classes and extra homework we children have and get white or grey hair a lot! Right parents?

    1. Exactly!! But sometimes tuition lets us meet new friends, right? You can never have too many friends! No offense if you have less friends.

    2. Yes. But in my opinion, I would prefer if we can reduce as much HW as possible instead of having lesser friends.

    3. Maybe u can find tuitions that don't give hwk.

    4. But what is the purpose of the tuition if they do not give you HW to apply the things taught in the tuition?

    5. I have tuition and I do not have tuition HW.

    6. And I still can produce almost very good results.

    7. Do u do assessments or test papers from other schools?

    8. I have Assessment books from my father.

  12. In my opinion , children should get 9-10 hours of sleep to recharge ourselves for a new day. Tuition homework should also be decreased ,I suggest that children should also play a part in school.

  13. My suggestion is that when teachers are not in class we can do our homework to kill time


  14. My sister and I always try to clock in by 9 pm. For homework we do it after lunch (no tuition homework for us)#Only have 1 tuition with spelling only.

    1. But what if you have to stay in school the whole day,say,maybe until 6?

    2. Normally my lessons will be on Fridays. If not I will do it once and get home and finish it by 9pm

    3. Can you sleep immediately after doing your HW?

    4. Just get a shower and should be ok

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. What if you have already showered? Usually ,I don`t shower so late in the night.

    7. If I showered at least 3 hrs ago and did not do anything messy I will change into my sleeping wear (NO PYJAMAS FOR ME). If I bathed 3 hrs before or early, I will bath regardless what time.

    8. But how does it help to stop the information in your mind from processing?

    9. That's why I will just lie down on my bed for a while then I sleep

    10. What if u are already very tired?

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. I will just knock out (sleep) the minute I lie down. Serious

    13. Then how does the information in your mind stop processing?

    14. The mind does not stop processing, Yi Xuan!! I think I read a book or young scientists that said the brain works harder when we are sleeping. don't know why though.

    15. What I mean is that the information in your mind cannot go away in a flash!

    16. The infomation will go away slowly and we can sleep while the brain process the info.

    17. Just that our sleep will not be very efficent.

    18. Will you have nightmares?

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hey poppers,
    I find your comments very refreshing and thought-provoking. If you look carefully, one of our own teachers has left her comment... That's right, its Mrs Ow Yong.
    She has provided me with a link that you may find useful if you need more information on the topic of sleeping. Click on the link just after the report.
    Thanks Mrs Ow Yong!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Some kids will stay back a week after school to have cca, supplementary or remedial, prefect meeting etc. i think teachers shouldn't let kids stay back if it is not necessary. This may help kids to finish their homework on time ang get a good night's sleep.

    1. CCA won't be a problem unless you don't like your CCA. In any case, if your CCA is what you love, it's like a stress reliever.

    2. In my opinion,we should let our teachers know about CCA or any other lessons.And also if you have stress, you can also just take a break.
      Some stress is good for you.
      Stay healthy too!

    3. Yes. You can also seek help from your parents or friend, people you trust.

  18. Why is everybody taking homework as an excuse?Homework is essential for scoring high!
    Actually,we are not stressed!

    1. Too much homework= stress. And too much stress is not good for your health!

    2. Too much homework= stress. And too much stress is not good for your health!

    3. We have to do revision too. Revision, homework and tuition. School and tuition homework. Who can ask for more stress???

    4. We have to do revision too. Revision, homework and tuition. School and tuition homework. Who can ask for more stress???

    5. That's why we should have a study plan.

    6. Tuition hw should not be the excess because tuition it's maybe once or twice a week so it can be done over the week.

    7. What if you have tuition for all the subjects and still have some more extra classes like piano class?

    8. Just like what Mrs Ang said to Sean. If you cannot cope with the stress of having tuition and tuition HW or any extra class you should talk to your parents about it. Because there is no point if u have a lot of tuition but do not have time for school HW. You can't focus in school.

  19. Why us everyone using homework tuition homework revision as excuses shouldn't we be planing our time and I'm sure u have enough time to do homework tuition homework revision from after school to before ur dinner right

    1. Because if you r absent then u might hv a lot of hw to do and u struggle to finish it all in time

    2. Regardless if u have a study plan. If u go according to the study plan and u r supposed to clock in by 9, then you might need to stay up another hour to complete the previous day hw aka what u were supposed to do in class

  20. But some people like me can only sleep after about an hour after we hit the sack!

  21. Replies
    1. He he! But sometimes we sleep at maybe 9.00pm but ca only fall asleep at 10.00pm. Then the next morning, u will feel very tired. How?

    2. sorry. spelling mistake(can).

  22. Then sleep at eight anyway in the earlier comment I stated sleep is counted very 90 mins rite u should feel energitic if u sleep maybe for 360mins 450mins 450mins 360mins. Rig ht

    1. Yes. But who sleeps so early?

    2. Alson, Ann, Zxan. I know they sleep at 8

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.
