Friday 11 March 2016

English Holiday Homework

Dear 6B,

Please complete the following.

Individual Composition

Please refer to Unit 2 Companion Booklet - Composition on An Unforgettable Experience with an Animal.
I have also provided you samples.
Look through the creative techniques and reflect how these structures made the composition interesting.

In 150 words, write your own composition on the above theme.
Remember, you can write based on just 1 stimulus or even use all 3. 

Remember to use only 50 mins to complete the task.

Stimulus-Based Conversation
Please cut, copy or click on the link

Post your thoughts on the Linoit Pad.
You will need to refer to Unit 3's SBC - It's on the Pirate Poster.

Spend about 10 to 15 mins doing this.

The English department has collated a list of recommended books for you. Do use your time wisely and spend time reading good Literature. It will be useful.

Have a restful and well-deserved holiday.
See you soon.

Mrs Fernandez


  1. Mrs Fernandez you have our companion booklets right?

  2. Mrs Fernandez,
    You have collected our companion booklet 3.How do we do the SBC?

  3. Mrs Fernandez,
    How do we do the SBC? We do not have the companion booklet 3 with us.
