Wednesday 20 April 2016

Man's impacts on the environment (negative)

Dear 6B

Let's watch this video,

An Inconvenient Truth

I would like you to comment on the video using some of the guiding questions below: 

Indicate your name before you comment:
1) Which part of the video do you remember? Why is that so? 
2) What causes that to happen? 
3) How do you feel about it? 

Group work
Save your work in Project --ANG SHIAU WEI -- Mr JONATHAN 

Name your file as follow

Name of topic _Leader's name


Loss of rainforest _ Russell


  1. Global Warming Causes Increase of temperature and it may eventually flood some countries like India and Shangahai_Desmond

  2. I remember the part where drought occurs in the desert...

    - Zong Han

    1. And this happen because of humans,they are not grateful for what we have now and is also 'killing' our planet...

      I feel that sad as humans are not grateful and litter,not recycling, and polluting the river... I think we must put a stop to this...

      - Zong Han

  3. i remembered that the part that video shows that water would cover the earth

  4. Justus: i remember the part that the person says that if global warming continues, seawater level will rise by 20 feet. global warming causes it.
    i feel worried about it

  5. Sup I'm Russell,
    1. The decreasing of land part as it shows the result of global warming after a long period of time and tells us to prevent it.
    2. Humans and the technologies that they created caused that to happen.
    3.I feel that we should stop global warming so that water will not flood the land which we have now.

  6. 1.)The part in the middle when they showed some footage about the natural disasters happening around the world because it shows what happens when humans do not take good care of the planet if they keep polluting it.
    2.)It is us, the humans who keep polluting the soon to be dirty planet by littering and that causes it to contribute to all types of pollution around us.
    3.)I feel angry that what happened to the world is because the cause of selfish humans.
    ~Xiu Fen

  7. i remember the flooding part of the vid.
    Global wrming cause the flooding to happen.
    i feel very very very scared at this moment as we may not know what will happen tommorow. _ Sean

  8. yi xuan:I remembered from the video that the ice in the Arctic is melting very fast. The reason that happens is because of global warming and climate change which is caused by humans. I feel that humans should stop global warming to prevent such things from happening in the future.

  9. Adelle: I remember the part when there was a hurricane in a country .Floods,droughts and tornadoes are occurring in the world we know as earth.
    The cause of these natural disasters are due to the actions done by mankind, we are the ones who pollute our home,earth, thus causing global warming. I am feel that humans should be more responsible in taking care of our environment. We ALL have to play a part to save our home, EARTH!!!!!

  10. Avril
    1) I remember the ice melting part because it reminds me about the poor animals living in the Artic.
    2) The green house effect of global warming
    3)I feel sad and worried about the animals living there.

  11. I remember the part about what happens to cities around the world when sea levels rise.
    When earth is getting warmer, sea levels rise as the poles melt. This causes cities to sink under water.
    I felt very shocked when I saw that part as if this continues, many places would be flooded and there would be no homes for us to stay.

  12. I remember the part about Global Warming because it is something very serious.-Jovan

  13. I remember the part where the mountains were compared from many years to the present. Because of global warming, snow on mountains are melting. I feel sad about it as in future, there might not be any snow left and animals that live in the mountains might be extinct.

  14. 1) I remember the part about Florida becoming under the sea, as it is what would happen if we are doing more of burning and adding to gobal warming .
    2) Gobal warming and burning of fossil fuels causes that to happen.
    3) I feel worried,and guilty so I will try my best to prevent it from happening.

  15. 1) and 2) I can remember the part of the video whereby they show the "Before" and "After" part of the beautiful snowy places melt. Mankind has caused the global temperature to rise and hence melt the snow and this happens in only 30 years! This shows that mankind's actions has affected the world.
    3) I feel very sad.

  16. Wenddy and Alicia
    We remember the part about icebergs melting.
    It is due to global warming and increase in temperatures.
    We feel sad about it and hope that we can still save our planet.

  17. when the ice in the artic melts, the sea level will rise and thus, covering up more land and flooding coastal towns.I feel very angry because we have a nice planet to live on, but we do not cherish it.

    Xu ming

  18. global warming is causing the ice to melt. which will cause the sea level to rise. causing more islands to be submerged. i am worried that Singapore might be one of the islands

  19. Rachel
    I can remember the part which the ice bergs melt and the sea level rising.The weather is getting hotter due to global warming and global warning is caused by us humans. I felt guilty as we, humans are the cause of this.

  20. Tze Xin
    The part I remember is when the video said that some parts of the earth such as Shanghai and India might be almost covered in water. I remember it clearly as I think that the possibility of it happening is very high. happen.

    I think this as we are destroying our earth slowly by polluting and harming it. In order to ensure that this does not happen, we must work together and put a stop to global warming.

    I feel upset about it because our Earth is our home. If we start polluting it, our environment will be unsafe to live in. We will then be all falling sick and many of us might even die. We will then all be extinct.

  21. Cordelia
    I remember the part when rising temperature causes the ice to melt. The animals will not be able to adapt to the sudden change in their habitat and may die eventually and may lead to extinction.
    Human's actions cause global warming
    I feel tnat we should join hands to help stop Global Warming.

  22. Le Ying & En Xi:
    we remember the part where they asked about did the world betray us or did we betray the world by causing the climax change. Climax change causes natural disaters (eg flood and drought)

  23. There is no more snow on Mount Kilimanjaro because the snow melts due to the rising temperatures caused by Global Warming. I feel sad because there will be no more snow on the mountain for people to see.

  24. I remember the part where the difference of places over the years. It shows the impact of global warming directly.
    Temperature increasing causing snowy mountains to become dry mountains.
    I feel sad.

  25. Ann
    1)I remember the part where a part of the ice broke and when the video states that some parts of countries on earth will be submerged in water
    2) I think it happens because the temperature is increasing, causing the ice break off and melt into water.
    3) I feel worried as if we do not prevent it for happening, many countries will be submerged

  26. The increase in temperature caused by global warming will cause worse natural disasters like worse hurricanes, ice berg to melt causing higher sea level, flooding India and Shanghai.I feel very upset about this as it will kill a lot of people and I feel that man are the cause of this.

  27. Hazel: I remembered from the video where the iceberks that are falling from their place, is melting very fast. And all of these things are due to global warming which is caused by us, humans. I feel that we should play our part by having more earth day which we can off everything we are using to reduce a little global warming.

  28. Global warming dry the ground so no plants can grow.I am worried that when all the plants die we have no food to eat Ernest

  29. I remember the part where they showed a nuclear plant as it reminded me of the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster. It made me feel sad, as it could also happen to other parts of the world. It was caused by tsunami that was triggered by an earthquake.

  30. Vivienne: i remember the part where ice berg melts and cause sea levels to rise.Global warming causes the weather to become warmer and this causes the ice berg to melt.I feel that it is our responsibility to save the planet as we caused all of these.

  31. 1)i remember the part where ice is melting from the mountain top.
    2)Global warming causes that to happen.
    3)i feel sad.-Hong Wei

  32. 1)I remember that the ice melting off the mountains

  33. Global warming is caused by chemical 'hurting' the environment and then it will be hot. the hot temperature will then melt icebergs in the north and south pole which will cause the sea level to rise causing some islands to be submerged and i feel guilty, scared and worried as humans did this to the earth and i am scared that Singapore might submerged too. ~Ferdy

  34. 1.)I remember the part where the ice is melting, it is because of global warming.
    2.) It is because of humans, we are polluting the air.
    3.) I feel very sad about it.
    ~Pei Yi
