Thursday 30 April 2015

Science Revision Mindmaps & Science File

Dear 5B,
Please do 3 separate mindmaps on Cells, Heredity and Human Reproduction in your Nature Study Book in 3 separate pages as part of your revision for your SA1 Science Examination.

This is due on Monday, 4th May 2015.

You may wish to either do a new mindmap or you can just continue with your previous mindmaps and add in more details since you have done 2 mindmaps on Cells and Human Reproduction previously. 

Science file has been return to you today to bring home for revision. Please get parents' signature on the content page.

Do revise all of the topics we have covered so far, worksheets and practice papers that are filed in your Science files.

Happy holidays, 5B! Stay fit & healthy!

From: Ms Pan


  1. You will be sitting for your SA1 Listening Comprehension and Paper 1 (Compo) on Monday so please look through your Compo File and read the sample compos that I have prepared for you. Remember that for Paper 1, you are required to write BOTH the Situational Writing and the Continuous Writing within 1 hour and 10 minutes.
  2. For those who have forgotten to bring your Companion Booklet 6 today, please complete PS 3 and submit it on Monday.
Keep fit and healthy during the long weekend.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

10 Questions ... and Art

  • Craft questions regarding nutrition or health for LRD page 18. This task is due tomorrow.  If your questions are good enough, I will send them to stdot so that the doctor can answer them. You could also get the help of your parents to craft the questions.

  • For Art tomorrow, please bring along the materials that you need to start on your project. You need not bring everything, just bring enough to occupy you for the two periods.

Monday 27 April 2015

Science Practice Paper Set 2

Complete the rest of the questions (Q36, 37, 38)

This is due Wednesday, 29 Apr.

This is a reminder to some pupils to bring back your Science File for filing this week.

Friday 24 April 2015


  • Take the time during the weekends to revise for your Oral on Monday. Practise your Reading and Stimulus Based Conversation.
  • I have returned the Compo File to you today. Look through your work and especially the sample compos. Get your parents to acknowledge the necessary columns and bring the file along on Monday. There will be a mock-exam compo paper on Tuesday.
  • For those who have yet to complete your compo corrections for "The Journey", please submit them first thing on Monday morning. 

Thursday 23 April 2015

Science Weekend Homework and Reminders

Dear 5B,

Please complete the following:

  1. 9 MCQ questions in Topical Worksheet 2- Human Reproduction System 
  2. Worksheet-Reproduction in Humans 

These are due on Monday, 27 April 2015.

Links and videos on the process of fertilisation and the development of a foetus are given below. You may want to access these links to know more about the topic we have just learnt.

5B, take care and remember to take breaks every now and then even as you work on your homework and assignments. Drink lots of water!:) I will see all of you next week!

From: Ms Pan 


  • Reading Recordings for LC Book Passage 3 (page 25) and 4 (page 33). Send them to me via email. This is due tomorrow.
  • LRD page 3. Cut the sections properly and paste them in your Spelling Book. Part 4 (poster) is optional but worth a star! Also due tomorrow.
  • Compo Corrections "Journey" is due only on Monday, 20 April. However, if you finish early, you may submit it tomorrow. For those who are typing out your corrections and would like me to print it out for you, remember to send the typed copy via email or thumbdrive. It would be good if you could print it out yourself though.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Science Topical Worksheet 2 (Reproduction in Human)

Dear 5B,
               Please complete Questions 11-13 for Topical Worksheet 2 Human Reproduction for today's homework. It is due tomorrow, 23 April 2015. 

From: Ms Pan

Homework ... due only on Friday, 24 April

  • Reading Recordings for LC Book Passage 3 (page 25) and 4 (page 33). Send them to me via email.
  • LRD page 3. Cut the sections properly and paste them in your Spelling Book. Part 4 (poster) is optional but worth a star!

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Monday 20 April 2015

Companion Booklet ... and ...

  • PS 4: Editing, is due tomorrow.
  • Please remember to bring along the Science Workshop Reply Slip if you have not submitted it to me today.

Friday 17 April 2015

GS again

  • Topic 9: Irregular Past Participles page 42 and 43. For Part C, each sentence should be at least 7 words long.
  • Topic 10: Simple Past Tense and Present Perfect Tense page 46 and 47.
All of the above are due on Monday, 20 April.

Keep Fit and Healthy.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Science Homework in NSB & Reminders

Dear 5B,

Please remember that your Science weekend task is to:
- Draw a 3-generations family tree in your Nature Study Book and include the key (legend).

This should take you no longer than 10minutes.

I will be returning you your Nature Study books tomorrow for you to do your spelling corrections.

Please remember to get your parents to sign the Science spelling tests.

This is due on Monday, 20th April 2015.

From: Ms Pan

Our Dear GS

  • Topic 7: Interrogative Adverbs page 34 and 35. You should have completed these in class but if you have not, please do.
  • Topic 8: To-Infinitives and Bare Infinitives pages 38 and 39. For Q1, 3 and 5 of page 39, you need to use the bare infinitives of the verbs. While for Q2, 4 and 6, you need to use the to-infinitive of the verbs.
All of the above are due tomorrow.

Science Practice Paper Set 2

Complete Questions 42, 43 & 44

This is due on Monday, 20 Apr

I'll go through the corrections to the earlier questions in this paper on Monday. 
You may do the corrections first if you know them.

If you want to attend these concerts ...

Ticket Prices (S$)
Fri, 1 May
Main Tent, Istana
Free Admission
Concert subject to prevailing weather conditions. Admission to the Istana grounds is free for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents. Other visitors will have to pay an entrance fee of $1.
Sat, 8 May
Esplanade Concert Hall
Min. 4 tickets purchased: $11
Sun, 10 May
Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage,
Singapore Botanic Gardens
Free Admission
Concert subject to prevailing weather conditions.
Fri & Sat, 15 & 16 May
Victoria Concert Hall
Brahms Second (15 May) (16 May)
Min. 4 tickets purchased: $11
Fri, 22 May
Victoria Concert Hall
Free Admission
Tickets are required for admission. To pre-register for free e-tickets, please visit
Sat, 23 May
Victoria Concert Hall
Min. 10 tickets purchased: $17, $11
Sun, 24 May
Victoria Concert Hall
Min. 10 tickets purchased: $17, $11
Mon, 1 Jun
11am, 2pm & 4pm
Victoria Concert Hall
Min 20 tickets purchased: $28.50, $24.25
Fri, 12 Jun
Victoria Concert Hall
Min. 10 tickets purchased: $11
Thu, 25 Jun
Victoria Concert Hall
Min. 10 tickets purchased: $ 18.50, $11
Fri, 26 Jun
Victoria Concert Hall
Min. 10 tickets purchased: $ 18.50, $11
Sat, 27 Jun
Victoria Concert Hall
Min. 10 tickets purchased: $ 18.50, $11
Sun, 28 Jun
Victoria Concert Hall
Min. 10 tickets purchased: $ 18.50, $11

All prices include booking fees. A 50% subsidy (excluding GST) is claimable from the Tote Board Arts Grant for SSO concerts (for public schools only).

Wednesday 15 April 2015

We POP, We POP, We POP ...

LRD and Sample Spelling Sentences (from the girls)

  • LRD page 15 is due tomorrow. Cut out the two parts and paste them in your Spelling Book neatly.
  • These are the sample sentences from the girls:
  1. surfer or surfing or surf
  2. I want to be an astronaut when I grow up so as to visit my favourite planet, Mars.
  3. During Sports Day, John ran as fast as a bullet in order to win the race.
  4. disastrous
  5. If we continue to create space junk, they will continue to orbit our planet.
  6. During the thunderstorm, a tree was uprooted and crashed into a car, shattering its windscreen.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Reminders and English Homework

  • You are reminded to complete your Art Reflection for your Print Art lessons by tomorrow.
  • Design and colour your Medal, cut it out and submit the finished product by next Monday, 20 April.
  • PS 5 (Part A and B) and PS 7 (Part A only) is due tomorrow.

Monday 13 April 2015

Omron and Homework

  • I have distributed the Omron Blood Pressure Monitors. Please do the activities and return the monitors tomorrow. Do not lose them as you are liable to make up for the loss. I believe there are some worksheets for you to complete. If you are absent tomorrow, please get someone to return the monitor tomorrow on your behalf.
  • PS 1 (Visual Text) and PS 2 (Open Ended Comprehension) is due tomorrow. Both of these should not take you more than an hour to complete. Use the QRAC, annotations and TGPS strategies.

Science Practice Paper 1 & 2

Practice Paper 1 (Booklet B)
Complete Q36, 37, 38

Practice Paper 2 (MCQ)
Complete All

The above 2 tasks are due on Thursday, 16 Apr first thing in the morning. 

Hand in to Science Monitors. 

Friday 10 April 2015

Presenting Your Cell Models

Dear 5B, 

I would like to commend the class for the wonderful cell models all of you have made. Thank you for spending the time and for your hard work during the March holidays to come up with the cell models. 

It is very interesting how all of you made use of materials that are from home to come up with different unique designs of your cell models. As promised, these are the cell models the class has come up with. 

I will also be putting up photographs of your cell models in the class at the back of the classroom. You can vote for your favourite cell models by pasting the stickers that I will be giving to you in the next lesson. Tokens will be given for selected cell models that are well made and represented. 

EL weekend Homework: Compo and reminders

You are tasked to write a story based on the pictures in PS 12 of Companion Booklet 4. The theme is 'a journey'. Read the instructions carefully. The two points must be clearly shown in your story.
In addition, you need to craft out a narrative plan in the form of a 'mountain' (as shown below). The story that you are writing must be a flashback with the ending to the story as your beginning paragraph. Use this phrase to come back to the present from your flashback: '... jolted me out of my momentary stupor.'

Reminders: All due on Monday
  1. The Phase 1 Primary One Registration Form (blue) is to be signed by your parents with the necessary box checked. Also, for those of you whose sibling is enrolling in Endeavour, you need to tell your parents to get the necessary documents ready before submitting them.
  2. The Scope and Sequence letter for SA1 need to be signed by your parents too and the acknowledgement slip submitted to me.
  3. Look through the words targeted for Spelling in your new STELLAR Reader. 

Thursday 9 April 2015

Homework Reminders, Links and Videos to Today’s Heredity Lesson

Dear 5B,

Please complete pg 1-6 of Activity 1-What did I Inherit worksheet. This worksheet should take you around 30minutes to complete. This is due next Monday, 13th April.

For ‘My Handy Traits’ that is on pg 6 of Activity 1-What did I inherit Worksheet, you are to identify the traits that were passed down to you by your parents, shared with your siblings, your form teacher and a trait no one else has in your family and write them down in the blank hands template given to you on pg 6. Refer to the instructions and headings of the different categories of the ‘fingers’ on pg 5 of the worksheet.

As promised, I have included the links to the videos to help you understand more about dominant and recessive genes that explain why some offspring may look differently from their parents for a particular trait below.



Please remember to learn the spelling and the meaning of the words for next Wednesday’s Science lesson, as well as to do your corrections in your Nature Study Book and get your parents to sign your spelling tests. I hope you have enjoyed the activities in class today. Stay fit and healthy, 5B!

From: Ms Pan

EL homework

  • For those who have not completed the Booklet A of the Practice Paper in class today, please submit your completed work by tomorrow morning.
  • PS 3 of Companion Booklet 5 on Phrasal Verbs is due tomorrow too.
Stay strong and persevere.

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Art Reflection and LRD

  • Pen down your reflections with regards to the 'Print Making' sessions on the page that you did your test print in your Sketch Book.
  • LRD 17 is due tomorrow.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Situational Writing assignment

Companion Booklet 4, Practice Sheet 11 "Thomas and Carr's Theme Park". Please be reminded that you need to show the PAC for the task. Write your Situational Writing on a foolscap paper (leave a line) based on the prompts. This assignment is due on tomorrow.

Monday 6 April 2015

Science Practice Paper Set 2 (2013)

Complete Q31 to Q35, Q39, Q40 & Q41.

This is due on Thursday, 9 Apr.

Hand in to Science Monitors on Thursday, first thing in the morning.

Friday 3 April 2015

Science Homework & Reminders

Please be reminded that your Science Topical Worksheet 1 on Cycles: Animals, Plant Cells and Heredity is due on Monday, 6 April 2015.

Note that you do not have to do Question 6 and 10 yet as mentioned in class as they are on Heredity which we have not learnt yet.

Remember to learn your Science spelling and study the meaning of the concepts for the topic on Cells for your weekly spelling test on Wed, 8 April 2015. 

Have a good weekend, 5B! Stay fit and healthy!

From: Ms Pan

Thursday 2 April 2015

Sample answers for Spelling ... from the boys

  1. Future technology may help us invent new modes of transport like flying cars.
  2. Mega-cities must have good public transport system.
  3. Fumes from the vehicles caught in the traffic congestion this morning has clouded the city.
  4. People use the subway to get to the facilities around the city.
  5. Mother decided to buy me the newest phone model after some consideration.
  6. I will give you the flexibility to nominate whoever you want.
  7. Everyone is advised to take the public transport to watch the soccer match.

Long Weekend Tasks for English ...

  1. LRD page 17. Cut Part 1 (the passage and the answer box) into three separate sections and paste them in your Spelling Book. You are also required to answer Part 2 by providing 2 different sentences to show the multiple meanings of the words. If you are unsure, check with your classmates.
  2. SBC for Prac 3 and Prac 4. Write these separately on two foolscap paper. Use the scaffolds and connectors in your Spelling Book or the ones that can be found in your Listening Comprehension Books to come out with your sentences.