Friday 10 April 2015

EL weekend Homework: Compo and reminders

You are tasked to write a story based on the pictures in PS 12 of Companion Booklet 4. The theme is 'a journey'. Read the instructions carefully. The two points must be clearly shown in your story.
In addition, you need to craft out a narrative plan in the form of a 'mountain' (as shown below). The story that you are writing must be a flashback with the ending to the story as your beginning paragraph. Use this phrase to come back to the present from your flashback: '... jolted me out of my momentary stupor.'

Reminders: All due on Monday
  1. The Phase 1 Primary One Registration Form (blue) is to be signed by your parents with the necessary box checked. Also, for those of you whose sibling is enrolling in Endeavour, you need to tell your parents to get the necessary documents ready before submitting them.
  2. The Scope and Sequence letter for SA1 need to be signed by your parents too and the acknowledgement slip submitted to me.
  3. Look through the words targeted for Spelling in your new STELLAR Reader. 


  1. Can we put the sentence at the end of the compo instead?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This sentence is suppose to be at the end.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
