Thursday 28 May 2015

Science June Holiday Project

Seed Germination Experiment

Complete your experiment design & observation on the worksheet given out today.
  • You can get your own seeds & use the pot given today or any clear zip-lock bags.
  • Pupils' using the pots, you can do the experiment with a partner so that you have 2 pots (one for Set-up A & the other for Set-up B)
  • Individual observations can be done using 2 clear zip-lock bags or 2 plastic cups. (The benefit of using the zip-lock bag is so that you can observe how the roots comes out first.)
  • Do a 5 days observations. (More day can be done if there is a need to)
  • Do capture your experiment by drawing pictures or taking pictures of it everyday. 
  • If additional fullscape is used, do staple them behind the worksheet.
  • Record visible observations for each day. Do not merely say "Nothing happen". Even on the very first day, you can observe that the seed is wet. This is already an observation. 
This is due on Monday, 30 June.

Reminder: Your first spelling will be on 30 June as well.


  1. Are we supposed to come up with our own experiment

  2. Are we supposed to come up with our own experiment

  3. Do we need to draw out the seed during the process?
