Friday 31 July 2015

Stuff to remember ...

  1. Grammar Smart Homework. Topic 12; The Future Continuous Tense, pages 54 and 55.
  2. There will Spelling on Monday for Unit 8.
  3. Submit your NLB survey. Access it through your MCOnline account, under the Announcement Section. 

Building My SG ...

I hope you had fun today with your LEGO creations.

Thursday 30 July 2015

Companion Booklet 8 ...

  • PS 7 and 9 are due tomorrow.

Science Activity 10 - More bulbs in Series

  • You've done Activity 11 (Bulbs Re-arrange - in parallel) using the Online Circuit Construction Kit yesterday at the Computer Lab.
  • You've also done Activity 9 (More batteries in Series) in class today.
  • Homework - To complete Activity 10 (More bulbs in Series). 
  • This is due next Monday, 3 Aug.
You may use the Online Circuit Construction Kit at home to do the Homework. You will need to have "Flash" installed in order to download the software.
Here's the link to the Online Circuit Construction Kit.

Download and open Circuit Construction Kit from 

Move the mouse over to the wire, click and drag the wire.
Repeat the step above for the batterybulb and switch.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

English tasks

  1. LRD page 15. Cut and paste the sections neatly in your Spelling Books.
  2. Companion Booklet PS 4 and 8.
All the above are due tomorrow.

Also, if you have the time, visit the Laugh Page and answer the questions there.

Friday 24 July 2015

Long Weekend Homework and Reminders


  1. Compo on "Family Outing" is due on Tuesday. Please remember to complete the 'Mountain' worksheet. You should include at least ONE idiom / idiomatic expression AND at least ONE simile / metaphor in your story. 
  1. Tomorrow is your NE Show. Please assemble in the school hall by 2 pm. For further details, check the letter to parents that was sent out earlier.
  2. Submit your Acknowledgement Slips for the Scope and Schedule for CA2, latest by next Tuesday.
In the meantime, let's have a good NE Show and and better Youth Day break.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Companion Booklet Tasks

PS 5 and PS 6 are due tomorrow.

CA2 Practice Paper Set 1 (Section B)

Complete Questions 29, 33 & 36

This is due next Tuesday (28 July) first thing in the morning. Hand in to Science Monitors, Avril & Xavier in the hall.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Orchid Hybridisation Module 2

Hands-on session in potting an orchid plant & pollinating orchids

LRD and Compo Corrections

  1. LRD page 17 is due tomorrow. Cut out the sections and paste them neatly in your Spelling Book. This is due tomorrow.
  2. The compo corrections for "Bully" is due on Friday, so you will have ample time to complete it. Try to type it out and send via email to me. Alternatively, you can save it in a thumbdrive for me to extract. Preferably, you should print the corrections out and attach it at the back of your original compo. If you are unable to type or save it, I would suggest you write out the corrections in a foolscap. Use ONLY black or blue pen or pencil.

Online Circuit Construction Kit

Here's the link to the Online Circuit Construction Kit.

Download and open Circuit Construction Kit from 

Move the mouse over to the wire, click and drag the wire.
Repeat the step above for the batterybulb and switch.

Monday 20 July 2015

Electricity Project (Week 4 to Week 7)

In your groups of 4, you'll work on a Mini-House Project. Refer to your Worksheet on the specific requirements needed for your Mini-House. (page 2)

Your Shoebox will have the living room & bedroom. It should show the following:
  • A series connection of bulbs, involving bulbs connected one after another.
  • A parallel connection of bulbs, involving bulbs connected such that an electric current flows along separate paths to each bulb.
  • How the number of bulbs can affect their brightness.
  • How the arrangement of bulbs can affect their brightness.
  • How the arrangement of bulbs allows the bulbs to work independently of one another.
Note: The worksheet carries 15 marks. The remaining 10 marks goes to your Final Product of the Mini-House & Teamwork. Note that this mark will not be into your CA2 Report Card.

The following materials has been distributed to your group today.

    • 4 AA batteries
    • 6 light bulbs (three 2.5V + three 3.8V)
    • 1m long red wire
    • 1m long black wire
    You can approach me or Mr Fadzil @ Science Lab during your recess to help in the cutting of the wires. 

    If you have any additional items and are not sure if you can use, do approach & ask me. You can also post in the comments & I'll respond to you.

    You are encouraged to use the materials given. You may get more items on your own but there is no need to spend on them. 

    In your groups of 4, you need to discuss & split up the project among your group members so that they can work on it at home. You can use your recess time & after school to discuss. 

    Have fun & Enjoy this hands-on activity!!!

    This project is due on Week 7, Friday, 14 Aug.

          Thursday 16 July 2015

          Science Weekend Homework

          Complete Activity 8: Conductors & Insulators of Electricity

          Hand in Next Monday, 20 July 

          MC Online survey and LRD

          Two tasks to complete:

          1. Go to McOnline and complete the Multi-Tasking survey based on the assembly programme last Tuesday. 3 best entries per class will receive a token each.
          2. LRD page 18 is due next Monday. 
          Taking this opportunity to wish all of you and especially to our muslim friends and family:
          Selamat Hari Raya Minal Aidin Wal Faizin
          If you want to send your well-wishes to our muslim friends and family, leave them in the comments section below.

          Wednesday 15 July 2015

          System Activity 7 & 8

          You've done the hands-on activity today.
          Complete the rest of the pages as homework.

          This is due tomorrow, 16 July (Thurs)

          SW and GS

          • Situational Writing : Football Match, is due tomorrow. Please remember to answer to the prompts and complete the PAC part too. 
          • GS pages 50 and 51 is also due tomorrow.
          Both of these tasks should not take you more than one hour to complete.

          Monday 13 July 2015

          PS ... again!

          10 and 11 are due tomorrow.

          Science: From Word of Keywords

          We have discussed many words related to "Reproduction in Flowering Plants" in your Words Splash. I have showed your one example on how to link up the keywords into a sentence illustrating a science concept. 

          Your homework:
          • Complete 5 sentences linking as many words from your Word Splash for "Reproduction in Flowering Plants" into a science concept.
          • Highlight/Underline the words used in your sentence.
          • E.g. When pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the stigma, it pollinates the flower.
          This is due Wednesday, 16 July.

          Friday 10 July 2015

          PS .. PS ..PS

          5, 6 and 9 are due on Monday.

          Have a good weekend ahead. 
          Remember to keep fit and healthy.

          Thursday 9 July 2015

          Science Weekend Homework (Due Monday)

          Complete the following:
          • Topical Worksheet 1: Reproduction in Flowering Plants
          • Word Splash for "Reproduction in Flowering Plants" in NSB
          The purpose of this activity is to build your vocab for this topic and generate concepts using these words for the topic. As such, the words should be mostly 1 word or short phrase. 

          I'll show you on Monday how to do linking of words to generate the science concepts for this topic. You will then be required to write down sentences to show how the words are linked up into a concept.
          • Parents' Signature for Week 1 & 2 Spelling.
          • We'll be starting Electricity Topic next week. Do remember Spelling on Monday (Electricity No. 1-8) & to study the meaning of the words.

          Today's homework

          • LRD page 15. you need to cut and paste both Part 1 and 2
          • Wednesday 8 July 2015


            1. Stimulus Based Conversation on Page 39 of your LC Book. Answer the prompts and bullets using appropriate scaffolds and connectors. Your write-up should not be less than 100 words and should be written on a foolscap paper. Staple it to page 39 once you are done. This assignment is due tomorrow.
            2. Hari Raya Green Packet is due this Friday but you may submit it anytime before then.