Friday 24 July 2015

Long Weekend Homework and Reminders


  1. Compo on "Family Outing" is due on Tuesday. Please remember to complete the 'Mountain' worksheet. You should include at least ONE idiom / idiomatic expression AND at least ONE simile / metaphor in your story. 
  1. Tomorrow is your NE Show. Please assemble in the school hall by 2 pm. For further details, check the letter to parents that was sent out earlier.
  2. Submit your Acknowledgement Slips for the Scope and Schedule for CA2, latest by next Tuesday.
In the meantime, let's have a good NE Show and and better Youth Day break.


  1. Mr Kamsari, do we have to bring a book to the NE show?

  2. Ann, Don't think so.
    But I think you can bring to read while waiting or if there's time.
