Monday 20 July 2015

Electricity Project (Week 4 to Week 7)

In your groups of 4, you'll work on a Mini-House Project. Refer to your Worksheet on the specific requirements needed for your Mini-House. (page 2)

Your Shoebox will have the living room & bedroom. It should show the following:
  • A series connection of bulbs, involving bulbs connected one after another.
  • A parallel connection of bulbs, involving bulbs connected such that an electric current flows along separate paths to each bulb.
  • How the number of bulbs can affect their brightness.
  • How the arrangement of bulbs can affect their brightness.
  • How the arrangement of bulbs allows the bulbs to work independently of one another.
Note: The worksheet carries 15 marks. The remaining 10 marks goes to your Final Product of the Mini-House & Teamwork. Note that this mark will not be into your CA2 Report Card.

The following materials has been distributed to your group today.

    • 4 AA batteries
    • 6 light bulbs (three 2.5V + three 3.8V)
    • 1m long red wire
    • 1m long black wire
    You can approach me or Mr Fadzil @ Science Lab during your recess to help in the cutting of the wires. 

    If you have any additional items and are not sure if you can use, do approach & ask me. You can also post in the comments & I'll respond to you.

    You are encouraged to use the materials given. You may get more items on your own but there is no need to spend on them. 

    In your groups of 4, you need to discuss & split up the project among your group members so that they can work on it at home. You can use your recess time & after school to discuss. 

    Have fun & Enjoy this hands-on activity!!!

    This project is due on Week 7, Friday, 14 Aug.


          1. Aug 15 is not Monday it's Aug 13 or 20

          2. Corrected to Fri 14 Aug. Thanks for pointing out the mistake.

          3. Mrs Tan, can we use battery holders bought from outside in our electrical circuits?
