Friday 26 February 2016

Words that some of you were confused about...

Hello everyone,

Hope you had done your part to look up for the meanings as well.

clout - influence or power, especially in politics or business
brunt - the worst part or chief impact of a specified action
disbursed - pay out (money from a fund)
disenchanted - disappointed by someone; disillusioned.
bleak -  not hopeful or encouraging
forlorn - pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely
ruinous - disastrous or destructive
frivolous - carefree and superficial 
controversy - public disagreement or heated discussion 

Kudos to those who have taken the time to search for the meanings.
Best wishes for CA1. 

Mrs Fernandez

Monday 22 February 2016

CA Revision Week - Some Tips for you

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend.
This week will be our revision week. 

Here's something nice to share.
Kudos to Zong Han and Sean for being the top scorers for Comprehension 3.
Keep it up boys.

Up to date we have completed and gone through 2 sets of Booklet A.
Today we have started on one set of Booklet B. We will be completing another this week.
Do not fret about Unit 3..we will complete it before Term 1 ends.

I had also shared a suggested breakdown of the time you should spend for each section.
You may choose to do either Bk A or Bk B or vice-versa.
It all depends on your comfort level.
Again it is just my humble suggestion. 

  • Booklet A - 30 mins
  • Grammar Cloze - 10 mins
  • Editing - 10 mins
  • Compre Cloze - 10 mins
  • Synthesis - 5 mins
  • Comprehension - 40 mins
  • Checking - 5 mins
All the best for the revision week and stay strong and positive.

P.S - There are some vocab words that you need to find the meaning. 
I will not reveal the meanings today....

Mrs Fernandez

Friday 19 February 2016

Peer Editing

Hi class,

We did some peer editing of the Group task for SW.
Hope you have got the structure by now. 
I could see that many of you enjoyed editing your friends' work and at the same time were able to articulate what the errors were and how they should be corrected.
Well done! 

Monday 15 February 2016

Science Learning Journey to Gardens by the Bay

Dear pupils

Majority of you enjoyed this trip and I hope you have learnt something today.

Do write a reflection on what you have learnt in the Nature Study Book. We will have a short sharing on Friday.

Friday 12 February 2016

Science - Skate Park

Dear all

We have discussed the following during the lessons today.

What should we be looking out for?

1) Identify the highest point and relate it to the amount of gravitational potential energy

2) State the relationship between the height of the skater and the change in gravitational potential energy

3) Identify the point at which kinetic energy is zero and observe the change in kinetic energy at various points given

Do note that the discussions were based on the exclusion of friction and heat energy.

Please try to include friction in the track and observe the difference.

We will continue our discussions next week.

What can you do next?

Try changing the skater or adjust the mass of the selected skater and observe if there is any change in the amount of gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy.

If your skater is being thrown off the track at certain point, please adjust the track accordingly.

At the end of the activities, you should be able to conclude the factors affecting gravitational potential energy and describe the conversion in energy based on the diagram given.

Have fun!

- Total Defence Day on Monday 15 Feb, 2016 (Please come in appropriate home-attire)
- Learning Journey to Gardens by the bay (In home-attire, small bag to contain your writing materials such as pen or pencils, water bottle)
- Math Test on Fraction on 18 Feb

Lesson on Unit 2 - Situational Writing (Animal Society)

Hi everyone,

I didn't assign any homework yesterday and today. 

It was good that we identified the features of a persuasive email. The Fast Kits actually helped us explain to those who may have had misconceptions. Hope you liked the activity with the Fast Kits (the coloured cards).

Here are some snippets from our Group Task for the SW.

Job Well done!

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Energy conversion - Skate Park

Dear all


Please visit the link and download the software.


Upon successful downloading, run the software and you will see the skater.

Draw the TRACKS on the top right corner to add tracks to it based on the one I have shown in class.

Select ‘Show Pie Chart´and ‘Energy vs Postion’ on the right side.

Select ‘Return Skater’ and you will notice that the skater will start moving.


Observe the Pie Chart and the Energy vs Position at various points.

You may pause the motion at any point you want.

Feel free to explore the software by designing other tracks.

We will discuss the following on this Friday

1)      Identification of the highest/lowest point of GPE and KE

2)      Identify if there is any chances to GPE and KE at ground level and above ground level

Do note that it is optional to print the findings from the software.

Also, you should not spend too much time on this. (Maximum 45 minutes)

Have fun!

Lesson on Reading & SBC

Hi everyone,
Hope you had a nice CNY celebration.
Well today, we visited the Comp Lab to do a Kahoot Quiz on SBC.
We went through some pointers on what it takes to deliver a good Reading and SBC.
I am expecting better performance from you guys! I know you can do it.

HW for today - Pgs 8 - 9 of the Companion Bklet.
Just 3 Grammar MCQ and the Editing.

Thank you.

Friday 5 February 2016

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Dear Parents and Pupils of 6B,

It was nice to meet up with you last Saturday.
Looking forward to this partnership.

Here are my contact details.
HP     - 98287620 (preferred mode of communication)
Email -

Mrs Fernandez

Hero Rats

Found these Youtube videos about our comprehension passage: Hero Rats. Check them out.

Tell me what you think about them in the comments section below.

Compo Corrections

You may either write out your composition as your corrections or type it out and save it as a Word Document. I will help you print it out (PO) if you are unable to do so yourself, however, you NEED to send me the softcopy of your corrections via email. Save the document under your name, for example Alson_Bully_6B. This task is due first thing in the morning tomorrow.