Wednesday 3 February 2016

Compo Corrections

You may either write out your composition as your corrections or type it out and save it as a Word Document. I will help you print it out (PO) if you are unable to do so yourself, however, you NEED to send me the softcopy of your corrections via email. Save the document under your name, for example Alson_Bully_6B. This task is due first thing in the morning tomorrow.


  1. Dear Mr Kamsari,
    If we have write out our corrections, we do not need to send you the compo anymore right?
    Yeo En Xi

  2. Mr kamsari do we still need to send you the soft copy if we have already print it out?

    1. Yes please, for safekeeping so that if your story is chosen for the Every Child A Writer, then you need not type it again.
