Wednesday 10 February 2016

Energy conversion - Skate Park

Dear all


Please visit the link and download the software.


Upon successful downloading, run the software and you will see the skater.

Draw the TRACKS on the top right corner to add tracks to it based on the one I have shown in class.

Select ‘Show Pie Chart´and ‘Energy vs Postion’ on the right side.

Select ‘Return Skater’ and you will notice that the skater will start moving.


Observe the Pie Chart and the Energy vs Position at various points.

You may pause the motion at any point you want.

Feel free to explore the software by designing other tracks.

We will discuss the following on this Friday

1)      Identification of the highest/lowest point of GPE and KE

2)      Identify if there is any chances to GPE and KE at ground level and above ground level

Do note that it is optional to print the findings from the software.

Also, you should not spend too much time on this. (Maximum 45 minutes)

Have fun!


  1. I am not able to download the file.

  2. Dear Cordelia

    Thanks for attempting to download. Perhaps, the software is not compatible to your PC. Nevertheless, we will still proceed with the findings from your classmates tomorrow. Anyone else face the same problem?

  3. I can't download also

  4. I think En Xi and Vivienne cannot download it too. :(

  5. I also cannot download the software.
