Wednesday 7 January 2015

Classroom Decoration

Date: Friday 9 Jan
Time: 2 pm
Venue: 5B classroom

The best class of each level will be selected and judging will be done in Term 1 Week 4. Prizes will be given to the wining classes.

The judging for the best classroom decoration competition will be based on the following criteria:
1) Uniqueness of the decoration
2) Noticeboard decorated with the respective subjects
3) "Green" elements displayed (Eg. Using recycled/reused materials!) 

If you have any ideas for point 3, feel free to bring them to school by this Friday.


  1. Dear Mr Kamsari, about how long will it take for the classroom decoration?
    Best regards, Sebastian Choo

    1. Dear Sebastian,
      i thought Mr Kamsari already mentioned it in class.
      He said it world take a maximum of an hour
      Best regards,
      Zxan Ho

    2. Since we are having more people to help out, I hope to finish it in an hour.
