Thursday 22 January 2015

Video of our Lung Model

Dear pupils,

You've started to make your own lung model in class today. Please complete your Lung Model at home and bring back next Wednesday for our discussion on the Human Respiratory System.

In the meantime, do write down your observations as you make your model in your Nature Study Book. I've attached a video of the model we make in class. You can use it to improve on your model.

  • What does the different items used in the model represent?
  • What did you do to ensure the model works?
  • Is is important to blow into the straw? Why?
  • Is your model a 1 lung or 2 lung model?


  1. What if we did pair work?Do we share the model or do our own one at home? Poo Pei Yi

    1. If you've done the model as pair work, you can share the model to complete the observations in your Nature Study Book. Do remember to bring the model back on next Wednesday.

  2. If I do not have the model, can I based my observation using the video?
