Tuesday 31 March 2015

Deputy Head Prefects ...


Companion Booklet

If you have not completed PS 3, 4 or 5 in class, please complete them at home. On top of that you need to complete PS 8. Submit your companion booklet first thing tomorrow morning.

Monday 30 March 2015

Friday 27 March 2015

WE DID IT ....

Some pics ... It was sweltering hot ...

But it was all worth it because ultimately ...

Congrats Poppers! WE POP again...

Thursday 26 March 2015

Follow-up Activity from Today’s Lab Lesson

Dear 5B,
Today we went to the Science Lab and observed 3 different types of plant cells: Onion Cell, Root Hair Cell and Guard Cell.

We concluded 3 things:
1)Even though all 3 cells are obtained from plants, they do not look the same as they are obtained from different parts of the plant and different parts of the plant have different functions.

2) All plant cells contain cell wall but they may or may not contain chloroplasts depending on the function.

3) A typical plant cell that is taken from the leaf contains chloroplasts such as in the case of a guard cell, but root hair cells and onion cells do not.

Based on these similarities and differences of the 3 different plant cells, remember to write your responses to the following 2 questions in your Nature Study Book:

1) Why these 3 different plant cells have these similarities and differences?

2) Which part of the plant is involved in making food?

This is due next Wed, 1st April.

Note: You do not have to do Activity Sheet 5: Plant and Animal Cells. We will do them in class. 

Remember to do the corrections that you have in your Nature Study Book and get your parents to sign Term 2 Week 1 Spelling Test.

From: Ms Pan

English Homework and Reminders

  • PS 1 (Visual Text Comprehension), PS 2 (Comprehension OE) and the Cover page are due on Monday. Make sure you use the QRAC, annotations and TGPS strategies in your PS 2 especially. No blanks allowed.
  • Also revise the highlighted words in your STELLAR Reader for Spelling on Monday.
  • Get your parents permission to sign up for the Comprehension Skills Lessons. If they are agreeable, get them to sign the Edusave form and return it together with the Reply Slip (last page of the letter) on Monday. If they are not agreeable, return the Reply Slip (provide a short note stating the reason for you to not attend the lessons) together with the Edusave Form (unsigned).
  • Sports Day tomorrow ... be in the proper attire ... and get ready to POP go for GOLD! However, what's more important is to have great sportsmanship and great fun!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

EL Homework

LS 4.1: Prefix is due tomorrow.

Updated schedule for Science Spelling (Term 2)

Please take note that there is a change in week 2 - 4 spelling as the chapter "From Parents to Young" will only be covered after "Unit of Life."

Week 1 (25 Mar) - From Parents to Young/Reproduction in Human No. 1-10
Week 2 (1 Apr) Week 3 (8 Apr) - The Unit of Life No. 1-8
Week 3 (8 Apr) Week 4 (15 Apr) - The Unit of Life No. 1-7
Week 4 (15 Apr) Week 2 (1 Apr) - From Parents to Young/Reproduction in Human No. 11-20

As usual, do study the meaning of each words.
The meaning of each word will be read out and you are required to spell out the word. 

A tribute for ...

Following up on what was shared in class, you need to submit one (or both) of the cards shown on page 2 (Activity A) of your activity sheets. Preferably, cut and paste the template on a drawing block, design and colour the card and submit it by tomorrow. Activity B and C are due next Monday, 30 March.

For more information about our late first prime minister click here: rememberingleekuenyew

Tuesday 24 March 2015

LRD assignment and Art lesson

  • Complete the LRD task on page 15 in your Spelling Book. This assignment is due tomorrow.
  • For Art, remember to bring your sketch book and apron / oversized T-shirt.

Robot and Green Card

Following up on the assembly programme today, remember to participate in the

  • ROBOT making activity. Below are some examples. The deadline for submission is 2 April. You need to submit them to either Miss Cheah, Ms Tjen or Mr Matt Lim. Here are some examples.

  • GREEN CARD activity. Get stamps for your Green Card when you recycle in school every Tuesday. This is a whole class activity so the more stamps each of you receive, the higher the chance to win exciting prizes.


Congratulations to one and all!
We are:

Best Decorated Class
Cleanest Classroom

Keep up the good work poppers!

Monday 23 March 2015

English Homework

  1. The compo corrections for "Hobby" is due on Wednesday 25 March, so you will have ample time to complete it. Try to type it out and send via email to me. Alternatively, you can save it in a thumbdrive for me to extract. Preferably, you should print the corrections out and attach it at the back of your original compo. If you are unable to type or save it, I would suggest you write out the corrections in a foolscap. Use ONLY black or blue pen or pencil.
  2. Record your reading of passages in Practice 1 and 2 of your LC Book (pages 8 and 17). Remember to label the recordings properly: NamePrac1 or NamePrac2. Send your recordings to me via email by Thursday, 26 March.
  3. Read the STELLAR Reader entitled "Ride On!" for tomorrow's lesson.

Science SA1 Practice Paper Set 1

Complete the following 8 questions by Wednesday, 25 Mar:
  • Q31-35 & Q39-41
The above task should take you 30 minutes to complete.

Friday 13 March 2015

March Holidays Assignments

  1. Situational Writing: Companion Booklet 3, Practice Sheet 13 "Video Making Course". Please be reminded that you need to show the PAC for the task. Write your Situational Writing on a foolscap paper (leave a line) based on the prompts. This assignment is due on Monday 23 March.
  2. McOnline tasks. Click on this link. The window period is from Monday 16 March to Friday 20 March only. I will be extracting the your performance data on Friday and will be giving a report for your parents on Monday, 23 March.
  3. Show your parents the Progress report Card and get them to sign it. Please do not fold or crumple the report card and submit the signed card to me on the first day of Term 2.
If you are still unsure of what to do, contact your group members or any of your classmates. I'm very sure many of them will know what to do.

In the meantime, enjoy your holidays. Keep fit and healthy.

Science March Holiday Project

***Remember to choose only Plant Cell OR Animal Cell to make your model.

1) Criteria for Model of Cell:
-2D model
-Not bigger than A4 size
-You may use cardboard or plastic container as the base for the model.
-Use recycled materials that can be found at home to make the model. You do not need to buy materials.

Note: Do not use coloured candies or food as they will attract ants.

2) Labelling
You are only required to label and create these parts:
Animal cell:
Cell Membrane
Plant cell:
Cell Membrane
Cell Wall

3) Research on the different parts of the 2 types of cells (Plant OR Animal) and their functions. 
You are required to make and label ONLY the required parts.
Note: You may wish to include other parts that you are not required to make but it is optional.  

Think of suitable materials that can best represent the different parts of the cell that have their own specific characteristics and functions.

A gallery walk will be conducted in class on 25/3(Wed) after your March holidays. You have to explain the reason for your choices to your peers.

Note: I would advise you to spend 30mins to do research and 30 mins to make your model.

Happy holidays 5B! I hope you will enjoy the process of learning and discovering more about the topic while making your cell model.

From: Ms Pan

Thursday 12 March 2015

For Art lesson tomorrow ...

bring along:

  1. An apron or an oversized T-shirt
  2. Sketch Book
  3. 2B pencil 
  4. Marker (Identiti Pen)

Use Your Hands ...

Good Job Everyone!

Term 2 Science Spelling Schedule

Here's the schedule for Term 2 Spelling.
It will be conducted on Wednesday over 4 weeks.

Week 1 (25 Mar) - From Parents to Young/Reproduction in Human No. 1-10
Week 2 (1 Apr) - From Parents to Young/Reproduction in Human No. 11-20
Week 3 (8 Apr) - The Unit of Life No. 1-8
Week 4 (15 Apr) - The Unit of Life No. 1-7

As usual, do study the meaning of each words.
The meaning of each word will be read out and you are required to spell out the word. 

Science CA1 Papers & Science File

Science File has been checked & returned to you today. If you have outstanding corrections, I've indicated it on the content page. Do complete them on your own.

Please remember to file in your CA1 Science Paper (Booklet A & B) & write it under the content page.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Use Your Hands Campaign 2015

Date: Thursday, 12 March
Time: 1.15 pm to 1.45 pm

Let’s take this opportunity to :
  1. wipe away the thick layer of dust collected on the shelves,  pupils’ and teacher’s tables, computer, notice board  etc.
  2. take down torn or outdated display eg New Year Cards and related decorations 
  3. organize books and files properly
  4. clear away unnecessary paper and recyclable items into the recycling bins
So bring along:
  • Your own personal rag cloth 
  • A small pail ( I expect one for each group)
See y'all on Thursday.

Friday 6 March 2015

SEA Games contest

Hey poppers!

I would like all of you to participate in this contest. Details are as follows.

  1. Go to the SEA Games board (level 2 near to the staircase at Gate A). 
  2. Look for this poster.
  3. Do some research on the answers, write your answers down on the official entry forms (available at the gym or you may approach Mr Firdaus for it) 
  4. Submit the form(s) to the gym.

Each correct entry will be entitled to a lucky draw where 10 SEA Games prizes/merchandise are up for grabs!

Closing date is next Friday 13th of March.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Science Homework in NSB due on Monday (9 Mar)

I've started the story of "Where Willy Went" yesterday & the topic on Human Reproduction System. We had a good discussion today on the concepts you need to know in this topic.

For the benefit of pupils who were absent yesterday during Science, here's the link to view the Story.

Complete a concept map on the human reproduction system on your own at home. Your concept map should include the following:

  1. Male reproduction system - All parts & its function
  2. Female reproduction system - All parts & its function.
  3. How the baby is formed from the sperm & egg cell?

This is due next Monday (9 Mar).

A reminder to hand in your Science File latest tomorrow morning.


Please complete the 'brainstorm' part of your "Hobby" compo by answering the questions that we have generated in class today. The information is crucial for you to write your composition. This assignment is due tomorrow.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

All the best for you Science Paper tomorrow!

Filing into Science Green File (Bring back File tomorrow)

The following has been returned to you today. Do file them into your Science File at home.
  • CA1 Practice Paper Set 2 (MCQ)
  • CA1 Practice Paper Set 2 (Open-ended)
I've gone through selected Set 2 (MCQ) questions today. Here's the answers to Set 2 (MCQ) for your reference.

Do complete any outstanding corrections on your own, if any.

Do Remember to Revise & Study for your Science Paper
  • Nature Study Book - concept maps
  • All Practice Papers
  • Science Notes
  • All P3 & P4 Topics
  • P5 Tem 1 Topics
Should you have any questions, you can post a comment here or catch me before assembly in the morning