Thursday 26 March 2015

Follow-up Activity from Today’s Lab Lesson

Dear 5B,
Today we went to the Science Lab and observed 3 different types of plant cells: Onion Cell, Root Hair Cell and Guard Cell.

We concluded 3 things:
1)Even though all 3 cells are obtained from plants, they do not look the same as they are obtained from different parts of the plant and different parts of the plant have different functions.

2) All plant cells contain cell wall but they may or may not contain chloroplasts depending on the function.

3) A typical plant cell that is taken from the leaf contains chloroplasts such as in the case of a guard cell, but root hair cells and onion cells do not.

Based on these similarities and differences of the 3 different plant cells, remember to write your responses to the following 2 questions in your Nature Study Book:

1) Why these 3 different plant cells have these similarities and differences?

2) Which part of the plant is involved in making food?

This is due next Wed, 1st April.

Note: You do not have to do Activity Sheet 5: Plant and Animal Cells. We will do them in class. 

Remember to do the corrections that you have in your Nature Study Book and get your parents to sign Term 2 Week 1 Spelling Test.

From: Ms Pan

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