Wednesday 25 March 2015

Updated schedule for Science Spelling (Term 2)

Please take note that there is a change in week 2 - 4 spelling as the chapter "From Parents to Young" will only be covered after "Unit of Life."

Week 1 (25 Mar) - From Parents to Young/Reproduction in Human No. 1-10
Week 2 (1 Apr) Week 3 (8 Apr) - The Unit of Life No. 1-8
Week 3 (8 Apr) Week 4 (15 Apr) - The Unit of Life No. 1-7
Week 4 (15 Apr) Week 2 (1 Apr) - From Parents to Young/Reproduction in Human No. 11-20

As usual, do study the meaning of each words.
The meaning of each word will be read out and you are required to spell out the word. 

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