Wednesday 30 September 2015

Science HW & Concept Maps for Water Cycle

Complete Activity 5, all pages. Carry out the simple experiment at home to observe the condensation into water droplets for both hot water & cold water.

This is due tomorrow.

I've attached 2 concept map on Water Cycle.

Do copy into your NSB for revision.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

English Homework (due tomorrow)

  1. LRD page 15. Cut it out (both Part 1 and 2) and paste neatly in your Spelling Book. 
  2. Companion Booklet 12: Cover page, PS 1 and PS 10 (if you have not done so already)

Monday 28 September 2015

SW Assignment

Please submit your completed SW 10 : The Power of Breakfast by tomorrow. Remember to fill up the PAC section too.

Answers to CA2 Practice Paper Set 2

Here's the answers to the papers. I've gone through correction to Q29, 30, 31 & 33.
I'll go through Q36 & 39 on Wednesday.

Your homework is to do the corrections to these 6 questions. 

Pupils who have done the other questions, I've attached the answers for your checking. Should you not understand any parts, feel free to see me during recess.

Sample Answers for Unit 10 Spelling

  1. Mrs Tan assigned new seating positions for the class and separated some of the pupils especially Tom and John because they are always up to mischief during lessons.
  2. The irresistible aroma of chicken rice came from the famous restaurant along Hill Street.
  3.  If you eat contaminated food, it is inevitable that you will have diarrhoea due to food poisoning.
  4. Justin's Karate chop had sufficient power to knock his opponent unconscious.
  5. It is everyone's responsibility to take care of the environment.
  6. nauseous / nauseating

Friday 25 September 2015

EL MC Online assignments

Hello again poppers,

I hope all of you are well.
I have already assigned the MC Online assignments to you - a total of 6 short assignments which should not take you more than 45 minutes to complete. The window period for them is from today (25 September) till this Sunday (27 September). Please check the MC Online site for other assignments form your other subject teachers (if any).

If you have the time, you may also complete Companion Booklet 12: Cover Page, PS 1(Visual Text) and PS 10 (Editing). I will be introducing the STELLAR Reader for this Unit next week.

So ... if you really need to be out of the house ...

Relay the information to the other poppers!
If you have any questions or concerns, leave your comments / questions below. 

Thursday 24 September 2015

School Closure


Poppers, school is closed tomorrow due to the worsening haze situation. Most probably I will assign work for you. I will keep you updated through our class blog latest by 12 noon tomorrow. I hope you could relay any messages you see on our class blog to the rest.

In the meantime ...

Keep Fit and Healthy ... Indoors!

Tuesday 22 September 2015

LRD assignment

Please complete these by tomorrow:

  1. Part 3 on page 15
  2. Part 5 on page 17
  3. Part 6 on page 17
You are required to cut the parts and paste them neatly and correctly in your Spelling book.

Another image I found in the internet.

Soooo Fluffy!!!

Monday 21 September 2015

English tasks

Due tomorrow:

  • PS 4
  • PS 6
Due Friday:
  • SBC for page 64. Write it out on a foolscap and staple on the page.
  • Reading Recording for page 66. Send the recording to me via email.

Cycles Activity 6: Melting & Freezing

This is due on Wednesday (23 Sep)

Science Concept 
Melting point of ice = 0 degrees celsius
Ice melts at a constant temperature of 0 degrees celsius.
During melting, solid ice changes into liquid water. This happens at 0 degrees celsius.
Temperature will start to rise after all the ice has melted into water.

Experimenting with Ice (Activity 6)
The ice we use contains impurities. So it is not pure ice. 
We will not get melting at 0 degrees celsius. Melting will occurs at slightly above 0 degrees celsius.
Melting point of ice = Range from 1.1 to 2.0 degrees celsius (depending on the how pure the ice is)
Ice melts at a rather constant temperature of 1.1 to 1.7 degrees celsius. 
During melting, solid ice changes into liquid water.
Temperature will still rise after all the ice has melted into water.

Are you able to compare the difference between the 2 graph above? Is there any similarities? Post your comments to share your ideas.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Long Weekend Homework


  1. SA2 Practice Paper. You need to time yourself  for this. The paper MUST be completed in 1 hour 50 minutes.
  2. Do a Reading Recording for the Reading Aloud passage on page 58. Send the recording to me via email.
  3. Write out the SBC for page 56 and staple it to the page before submitting . You should answer the prompts using the appropriate scaffolds and connectors.
  1. WB pages 155 to 158
  2. Learnlogy (Accessible from tomorrow onwards)

Science Homework & Reminders

  • SA2 Practice Paper Section B
Complete only Question 31 - 36

  • Spelling (No. 11-21) on Monday, 21 Sept
Remember to learn the meaning of the words.

  • Bring back your Science File on Monday

Wednesday 16 September 2015

English Homework and Innovation Reflection

Please complete the following and submit them tomorrow.
  1. PS 3: Synonyms
  2. PS 5: Comparatives and Superlatives
  3. PS 9: Editing
  4. Reflection Worksheet on Innovation

Tuesday 15 September 2015

LRD assignment

Cut out the Activity Box on page 4, paste it in your Spelling Book and answer the prompts. Your response for each prompt should be at least 50 words long.

Also, a reminder that your compo corrections are due tomorrow.

Monday 14 September 2015

Friday 4 September 2015

September holidays and preparation for term 4

Dear 5B,

Gentle reminder to complete your topic on Properties of 4-sided figures in your workbook. Do take some time to read up on the upcoming topics on Geometrical Construction and Volume during this September holidays.

Enjoy your holidays and see you in Term 4!

Wednesday 2 September 2015

September Holiday Assignments

Rate of Evaporation Experiment to be done in NSB

You will choose one experiment below to carry out the experiment at home. 
1) To find out if the location (e.g. under fan, near window, under the sun, in the fridge) affects the rate of evaporation.
2) To find out if the size of handkerchief (exposed surface area) affects the rate of evaporation.

You are to record the following when conducting the experiment:
- Materials used
- Changing variable
- All other variables that are kept constant
- Results & observation (can be drawn or in words)
- Conclusion

CA2 Practice Paper Set 2 (Section B)
Complete only Q29, 30, 31, 33, 36 & 39

Water Cycle Spelling No. 1-10
First Spelling will be on 14 Sept (Mon). Do remember to study the meaning of the words. As usual, meaning will be read out and you'll write the word down. 

Read up Water Cycle Chapter 6: Water, a Precious Resource
This chapter is very informative. There is no experiment to do for this chapter. However, you need to study the following concepts:
  • Role of water in the different body systems.
  • Role of water in germination & other life processes of plants.
  • How water is precious.
  • Causes of water pollution.
  • Effects of water pollution.
  • How to conserve water.

Electricity Project - Group's Poster Design
This is due 14 Sept (Mon)
The Gallery Walk for all groups to present to your classmates will also be on 14 Sept (Mon) in class. Do get ready your Mini-House & the Poster.

September Holidays tasks + A Reminder

Please complete pages 6 to 11 of your TOAOI booklet. Points are up for grabs! You need to submit your completed work by 14 September.

Have a good break!

Reminder: Get your parent to sign the CA Progressive Report Card (Term 3) and submit it to me when you return after the September Holidays.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

CA2 Science Exam Papers

Please get parents' signature on Booklet B & bring back tomorrow for checking & filing into Science File.

You'll be bringing back the file tomorrow for Revision.


  1. LRD page 11. You may use the stories presented in pages 10 and 11 of the LRD to answer the questions for this activity. However, it must be relevant to the question so your response should be about emergencies. Your write-up (to be done in your Spelling Book) should not be less than 50 words long.
  2. Compo "A Happy Occasion" due latest on Thursday, 3 September.