Tuesday 1 September 2015


  1. LRD page 11. You may use the stories presented in pages 10 and 11 of the LRD to answer the questions for this activity. However, it must be relevant to the question so your response should be about emergencies. Your write-up (to be done in your Spelling Book) should not be less than 50 words long.
  2. Compo "A Happy Occasion" due latest on Thursday, 3 September.


  1. Mr Kamsari,
    Do we need to cut and paste the article we are writing about?

  2. I don't think so. Cause if you take from the Straits Times the article is very big so can't fit in the spelling book.

  3. But then how will Mr Kamsari know which article we are talking about?

  4. i think it is better to look from the LRD as Mr Kamsari suggested and secondly, it would be easier for Mr Kamsari to know which one we are talking about
