Monday 21 September 2015

Cycles Activity 6: Melting & Freezing

This is due on Wednesday (23 Sep)

Science Concept 
Melting point of ice = 0 degrees celsius
Ice melts at a constant temperature of 0 degrees celsius.
During melting, solid ice changes into liquid water. This happens at 0 degrees celsius.
Temperature will start to rise after all the ice has melted into water.

Experimenting with Ice (Activity 6)
The ice we use contains impurities. So it is not pure ice. 
We will not get melting at 0 degrees celsius. Melting will occurs at slightly above 0 degrees celsius.
Melting point of ice = Range from 1.1 to 2.0 degrees celsius (depending on the how pure the ice is)
Ice melts at a rather constant temperature of 1.1 to 1.7 degrees celsius. 
During melting, solid ice changes into liquid water.
Temperature will still rise after all the ice has melted into water.

Are you able to compare the difference between the 2 graph above? Is there any similarities? Post your comments to share your ideas.


  1. pure ice starts at zero degrees while experiment ice starts at one degree. The similarities are after 4 minutes, the temperature starts to rise more.

    Xu Ming
