Wednesday 2 September 2015

September Holiday Assignments

Rate of Evaporation Experiment to be done in NSB

You will choose one experiment below to carry out the experiment at home. 
1) To find out if the location (e.g. under fan, near window, under the sun, in the fridge) affects the rate of evaporation.
2) To find out if the size of handkerchief (exposed surface area) affects the rate of evaporation.

You are to record the following when conducting the experiment:
- Materials used
- Changing variable
- All other variables that are kept constant
- Results & observation (can be drawn or in words)
- Conclusion

CA2 Practice Paper Set 2 (Section B)
Complete only Q29, 30, 31, 33, 36 & 39

Water Cycle Spelling No. 1-10
First Spelling will be on 14 Sept (Mon). Do remember to study the meaning of the words. As usual, meaning will be read out and you'll write the word down. 

Read up Water Cycle Chapter 6: Water, a Precious Resource
This chapter is very informative. There is no experiment to do for this chapter. However, you need to study the following concepts:
  • Role of water in the different body systems.
  • Role of water in germination & other life processes of plants.
  • How water is precious.
  • Causes of water pollution.
  • Effects of water pollution.
  • How to conserve water.

Electricity Project - Group's Poster Design
This is due 14 Sept (Mon)
The Gallery Walk for all groups to present to your classmates will also be on 14 Sept (Mon) in class. Do get ready your Mini-House & the Poster.

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